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Microsoft Security Intelligence
Published Oct 22, 2008 | Updated Sep 15, 2017


Detected by Microsoft Defender Antivirus

Aliases: Win32/Pagipef.J (CA) Mal/Emogen-Y (Sophos) Virus.Win32.Xorer.ds (Kaspersky) W32/Fujacks.dll (McAfee) Trojan-PWS.OnlineGames.AJ (Sunbelt Software) W32.Pagipef.I (Symantec) TROJ_PAGIPEF.AU (Trend Micro)


Virus:Win32/Xorer.gen!B.dll is a detection for the DLL component dropped by several variants of the Xorer family. It performs various system modifications to facilitate infection by Xorer viruses.
Manual removal is not recommended for this threat. Use Microsoft Security Essentials or another up-to-date scanning and removal tool to detect and remove this threat and other unwanted software from your computer. For more information on Microsoft security products, see
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