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Microsoft Security Intelligence
Published Aug 07, 2011 | Updated Sep 15, 2017


Detected by Microsoft Defender Antivirus

Aliases: No associated aliases


Worm:Win32/Ructo.J is a worm that spreads via Windows Live Messenger. It also lowers system security settings and downloads other malicious files from a remote server.

To detect and remove this threat and other malicious software that may be installed on your computer, run a full-system scan with an appropriate, up-to-date, security solution. The following Microsoft products detect and remove this threat:

Worm:Win32/Ructo.J may download additional malware that attempts to steal sensitive and confidential information from affected users in order to perpetrate fraud. If you believe that your personal financial information may have been compromised, please refer to the following advisory for additional advice:

Additional remediation instructions for Worm:Win32/Ructo.J

This threat may make lasting changes to a computer's configuration that are NOT restored by detecting and removing this threat. For more information on returning an infected computer to its pre-infected state, please see the following article/s:

 For more information on antivirus software, see

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