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Microsoft Security Intelligence
Published Nov 19, 2009 | Updated Sep 15, 2017


Detected by Microsoft Defender Antivirus

Aliases: Win32/Koobface.GQ (CA) Net-Worm.Win32.Koobface.brb (Kaspersky) W32/Koobface.DIZ (Norman) Mal/KoobHeur-A (Sophos) Trojan.PR.Koobface.BKM (VirusBuster) Win32.Worm.Koobface.AKU (BitDefender) Win32/Tinxy.AK (ESET) Worm.Win32.Koobface (Ikarus) W32/Koobface.worm.gen.f (McAfee) W32/Koobface.EQ.worm (Panda) W32.Koobface.A (Symantec)


TrojanProxy:Win32/Koobface.gen!G is the generic detection for a DLL component of the Win32/Koobface family. It is installed as a system service and redirects the browser to an attacker-controlled server when certain legitimate Web sites are accessed.
Manual removal is not recommended for this threat. Use Microsoft Security Essentials or another up-to-date scanning and removal tool to detect and remove this threat and other unwanted software from your computer. For more information on Microsoft security products, see
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