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Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog

1 min read

Excel hangs while publishing/uploading data using the Excel Add-in for Dynamics AX 

  In a scenario, while trying to publish data/records using Excel add-in for Dynamics AX, issues like performance, hang/not responding, time out have been observed. For Example, once clicked on ‘Publish All’ or ‘Publish Selected’ Excel goes to ‘not responding’ stage. This behavior gives an impression that the Publish action was not successful or it

2 min read

How to setup General Budget Reservation functionality that was added after AX 2012 R3 CU8 for Public Sector 

This article will explain how to activate and setup Dynamics AX to be able to use General Budget Reservation functionality that was added with hotfix KB3047235 Make sure you are on AX 2012 R3 CU8 and using a Public Sector environment. Verify you see the checkbox General Ledger Reservation and have it marked in the