Portrait de Juan Nieto

Juan Nieto

Principal Research SDE

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À propos

Juan Nieto is a Principal Research at the Mixed Reality and AI Zurich Lab (opens in new tab) working with a team of scientist and engineers to develop advanced perception capabilities for HoloLens at Microsoft. Before joining Microsoft he was Deputy Director at the Autonomous Systems Lab (opens in new tab) (ASL) at ETH Zurich (opens in new tab). In ASL, together with Roland Siegwart, he led of team of 50 people, including PhD students, engineers and postdocs to bring new concepts for mobile robots, and to develop new algorithms for robot autonomy. He obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Sydney in the Australian Centre for Field Robotics.

He is best known for his work in perception and simultaneous localization and mapping for mobile robots. More recently, his research was focused in developing new ideas for building tighter connections between perception and control to enable robots to perform physical interaction in a safe and autonomous manner. In Microsoft, his research is focused in bringing robotics knowledge to build new perception capabilities for Hololens.