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<1 min read

Word of the week: Close (the header or footer, and get back to your document) 

<p>We get a lot of comments from people who have added a header or a footer and can't get back to the body of their document. You have a couple of options. You can double-click in the body of the document. You can also use the Close button. This works the same way in Word 2010 and Word 2007.Here's what it looks like: You can find more header and footer details in for Word 2010 in  Add or remove headers, footers, and page numbers. For Word 2007, see Insert headers and footers.</p>
3 min read

How PowerPoint font embedding and replacement can save your presentation 

<p>No doubt about it, fonts can add significant visual appeal to a presentation. As long as they make it onto the screen for your audience to see, that is. If you created your presentation on one computer, but deliver it from another (say, in a conference room), you could be stuck without the very fonts you were counting on, causing some possibly acute pre-show panic. But not to worry. Font embedding in PowerPoint could be the answer to this stealthy little issue. We'll show you how to do it, and also show you an easy way to remove and replace fonts while we're at it.  --Erik Jensen</p>
5 min read

Ready for widescreen? How to manage aspect ratios in PowerPoint (16:9 vs. 4:3) 

<p>Widescreen, with its 16:9 aspect ratio, is taking over video screens faster than Godzilla in a scale model city. And that's a good thing, with PowerPoint. As the name implies, widescreen brings wider, more beautiful images onto your TV and computer screens. So why does your PowerPoint presentation suddenly look terrible? Possibly because you copied slides that contain graphics between one presentation created in 16:9 and another created in 4:3. Here are five tips for moving slides and graphics between presentations that use the 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios.... </p>
5 min read

5 things you wanted to know about OneNote 2010 

<p>You've read so much about OneNote 2010 getting the Office ribbon interface, but you can't find (or control) it. What's up? There seems to be no way to browse, apply, or download OneNote templates now, even though you could before. How come? You're not sure if your old notebooks need to be converted to a different file format before you can use them in OneNote 2010. Do they? What's happening with your favorite OneNote powertoys? Will they work in OneNote 2010? And what's a good way to get started with the new version? Now that the OneNote Web App has been released (the #1 thing everyone had been asking about), I've compiled a list of answers to the top 5 other questions you've been asking about OneNote 2010. Read on...</p>
1 min read

Download Access 2010 Runtime, Database Engine Redistributable and Source Code Control 

Download Access 2010 Runtime, Access Database Engine Redistributable (office connectivity components) 2010 and Source Code Control Add-in for Access 2010 today! Access Runtime 2010 Available in both 32-bit and 64-bit, you can download the Runtime here. It is currently offered in 13 languages and more languages will be offered at a later time. Access Database