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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog

Expanding our vision for retail with Dynamics 365 at NRF 2020 

Retailers experienced more change in the last decade than nearly any other industry, a trend that is not likely to slow as we enter 2020. The only certainty in the new decade is the need for technologies that help retailers stay nimble, relevant, and anticipate customer needs and shopping preferences. As my colleague Shelley Bransten,

4 min read

How virtual agents transform the customer experience 

We often hear the phrases customer experience and customer engagement used interchangeably. But these terms have completely separate meanings. Customer experience is a single event with the customer—a service issue, a promotion, a survey. Customer engagement is a collection of customer experiences that impact engagement such as loyalty, advocacy, and so on. Both customer experience

Nonprofits optimize donor engagement with Dynamics 365 Customer Insights 

Nonprofit organizations rely on donors and volunteers to sustain and expand their missions. But they must compete with other nonprofits for the contributions of these valuable supporters. To secure and retain necessary funds and resources, nonprofits must appeal to the interests of their supporters. Some are interested in improving children’s health, while others want to

How to fight the three biggest fraud threats in e-commerce purchases 

Most of us don’t think twice about making purchases online, whether we’re ordering books and media, grocery deliveries, or big-ticket items like appliances. The increase in digital transactions poses some challenges for e-commerce organizations, especially around fraud. There are three ways e-commerce organizations are impacted by fraud: Lost revenue, when an illegitimate purchase is made

2 min read

Dynamics 365 and Power Platform timeline for the 2020 release wave 1 

Key dates for the upcoming release wave As the business environment rapidly changes, we’re dedicated to proactively delivering new capabilities to enable our customers and partners to drive toward strong business outcomes. We deliver these capabilities through two release waves per year. Today, we’re announcing the key dates for the first release wave of updates planned

2 min read

Dynamics 365 Customer Service adds Facebook Messenger capabilities 

Starting today, service teams can connect with customers using Facebook Messenger, the latest digital channel for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service. This new channel is included with our digital messaging offer, further extending our omnichannel capabilities within Dynamics 365 Customer Service. The similarity of Facebook Messenger to live chat, an already popular channel for customer

3 min read

Upcoming changes to the Cloud Business Applications competency 

When an organization consults a Microsoft partner to implement, deploy, or manage a cloud solution like Dynamics 365, they expect to receive world-class service, business acumen, and technical expertise. After all, their investment in a partner can potentially establish a long-term, trusted relationship leading to years of innovation. That’s why Microsoft Competencies are so valuable

Building a more successful workforce with Dynamics 365 Human Resources 

Microsoft delivers solutions that enable businesses to build winning teams and create a workplace where people can succeed. To help ensure we are providing the very best solutions to empower employees, and as we look at LinkedIn’s unique strengths in the talent acquisition market, we plan to refocus our HR technology roadmap and partnership investments

2 min read

Microsoft Forms Pro updates help improve customer feedback management 

According to the Customers | The Future of B-to-B Customer Experience report by Walker Information Inc, by 2020, analysts predict that customer experience will outpace price and product as a key brand differentiator. Across the customer journey, now’s the time to optimize the customer experience, from the first time a customer visits the website or campaign

Using AI to better understand and engage your customers 

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for some time now. What was once an elusive technology only accessible to those with vast resources and budget is now being democratized and attainable for every organization. With prebuilt AI capabilities embedded in enterprise solutions, organizations can now benefit from AI. Organizations can process and interpret enormous volumes

5 min read

Smart cities: Innovation, inclusion, and IoT 

This week, at Smart City Expo—in Barcelona—we’re excited to showcase new innovations that will transform Smart City programs worldwide. Smart cities are no longer science fiction. They’re here and now and growing quickly as the Internet of Things (IoT) expands and spreads throughout municipalities around the globe. Some predict the smart city industry will be