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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog

5 min read

Smart cities: Innovation, inclusion, and IoT 

This week, at Smart City Expo—in Barcelona—we’re excited to showcase new innovations that will transform Smart City programs worldwide. Smart cities are no longer science fiction. They’re here and now and growing quickly as the Internet of Things (IoT) expands and spreads throughout municipalities around the globe. Some predict the smart city industry will be

Enhance your Dynamics 365 mixed reality experiences on HoloLens 2 

HoloLens 2 is now available, with breakthroughs in hardware design, AI, and mixed reality. Dynamics 365 mixed reality applications take full advantage of these breakthroughs to deliver even more immersive ways to learn, communicate, and collaborate hands free. With a HoloLens 2 device, front line workers using Dynamics 365 Remote Assist and Dynamics 365 Guides,

Our vision for the Microsoft customer data platform 

Empowering organizations everywhere to gain insight from all their data sources and deliver personalized customer engagement There is a fundamental change occurring across industries and organizations: Data now comes from everywhere and everything. As customers have access to more content, purchasing channels, and brand options than before, the touchpoints become exponential—every website visit, use of

7 min read

Announcing RPA, enhanced security, no-code virtual agents, and more for Microsoft Power Platform 

It’s a privilege to work with global organizations every day to help them compete and innovate in a modern, data-driven economy. Our goal with Dynamics 365 and the Microsoft Power Platform is to help your organization drive more impactful business outcomes and take proactive actions that will uniquely position and differentiate your business in the

3 min read

New digital messaging offer enhances omnichannel features in Customer Service 

Today we’re announcing the release of the new Dynamics 365 Customer Service digital messaging offering. This new digital messaging offering expands and unifies the core capabilities of Omnichannel for Customer Service. With digital messaging, you’re able to further empower contact centers to provide seamless, more personalized customer service across a wide range of channels. Combining

Fuel your field service with mixed reality 

Technology is transforming quickly and evolving at an accelerated pace. That evolution is significantly impacting how we work, what we work on, and how we serve our customers. As technology is speeding forward, creating greater efficiencies, it’s also pushing bleeding edge technologies into the mainstream. Mixed reality is a combination of realities—augmented, virtual, and real

Delivering five star experiences with a customer data platform 

For the hospitality industry, founded upon the very premise of providing welcoming and delightful experiences to guests and patrons, the need to continue evolving to meet today’s changing customer demands is vital. While advancements in technology have led to more automated and self-service functions across hospitality organizations like online booking and reservations, it has also

2 min read

Customer Data Platform (CDP): It’s not just for B2Cs anymore 

The CDP Institute’s latest research indicates that 34 percent of B2B companies plan to start deploying a customer data platform (CDP) in the next year, compared with just 19 percent of B2C companies. B2Bs have significantly longer and more complex sales cycles that create huge volumes of data, and the relationship-driven nature of B2B business

1 min read

New scenarios added to Dynamics 365 Higher Education Accelerator 

Dynamics 365 Higher Education Accelerator now includes internships, scholarships, grants, accomplishments, and more. Technology is transforming how institutions engage with students and their constituents and improving student outcomes. Last year at Educause we released the Microsoft Higher Education Accelerator which provided a data model and sample apps and analytics tailored for higher education. Along the