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March 20, 2023

How to organize your spring cleaning with a checklist

Spring cleaning season is approaching, which means it’s almost time to roll up your sleeves and do some dirty work. But no matter how big or small your space is, a deep clean can be overwhelming if you attempt to do it without a plan. Learn how to organize a to-do list for your spring cleaning plans so you can clean hassle-free.

Why is spring cleaning important?

Spring is the season of new beginnings. Doing a good deep clean at the start of the season can give you the chance to start fresh alongside the melting snow and budding blossoms. Plus, spring cleaning can be good for your health and improve your quality of life. Cold winter seasons typically call for less movement and more days spent under blankets, which means lots of dust and dirt will accumulate over those months. Warmer spring months provide you with more days of sunshine to give you the energy to refresh those areas that have become dirty. Getting rid of all that excess dust in your house is crucial for maintaining good air quality levels in your house, especially as allergy season approaches.

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Getting started with your spring-cleaning plan

Preparing for your clean can help make the process a little easier. Here are a few things to consider before you get started on your spring cleaning:

Make a list of areas that need to be cleaned

Ask yourself which parts of your living space could use a touchup. When was the last time you really cleaned your room? Does your bathtub look like it could use a little scrubbing? Is the mirror in your hallway getting a little dusty? Has that smell in your fridge always been there? Identify what needs to be cleaned and how those areas should be cleaned. You can divvy up your list by room or by priority items, depending on what makes the most sense for you. It might even help to work on your time management skills and add a time estimate for each task so you can effectively plan out your clean.

Stock up on any necessary cleaning supplies

Now that you know what needs to be cleaned, it’s time to gather up all of your cleaning supplies. Pull your mop solvent, bleach powder, rubber gloves, sponges, sprays, dusters, and vacuum cleaners out of hiding so you can get a good sense of what you already have. Then, make a list of the cleaning supplies that you’ll likely need to buy more of. That way, you can have all the necessary supplies on hand when it’s time to get cleaning without having to make impromptu trips to the store. It might be helpful to have extras of the products you use the most in case you end up needing more than you expected.

If you’re not sure how to clean something, do a little research!

If you’re living on your own for the first time or are a new homeowner, it’s natural to be confused about cleaning certain things. What should you use to remove that nasty grease stain out of your carpet? How do you set up a power washer? Which products should be used to clean laundry machines? Having unanswered questions before diving into a cleaning session can make you want to avoid tidying those areas. Thankfully, you might not be the only one with the same questions. Take a moment to look up some of your cleaning questions so you know exactly what to do when it’s time to start.

Find out what you can get rid of

Spring cleaning isn’t just about tidying and cleaning your floors—it can also be an opportunity to get rid of some things you may not need anymore. Make a pile of old clothes, shoes, and household objects that haven’t been touched in years so they can be donated or given away. Having less stuff can free up your space and speed up the cleaning process.

Now that you’re prepared, let’s get cleaning!

You’ve got everything you need to start your spring cleaning, so now it’s time to get in the zone. Here are a few tips to help you get in the deep cleaning mindset:

Play some pump-up jams

Cleaning is a workout, and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise! Get yourself in the cleaning mood by turning up your favorite songs to work out to. If classic rock songs are what get you going at the gym, they’ll certainly making mopping the kitchen more fun too. Connect your phone to a speaker or put your headphones in for a cleaning session that’s filled with jams.

Try the zone cleaning method

Don’t have the time or energy to clean all day? Space everything out by trying the zone cleaning method. By using the zone cleaning method, you can divide your living space into multiple zones and devote a few minutes to each zone per day. You can keep track of which zones are cleaned everyday by using making a spreadsheet on Excel or with the OneNote app.

Give yourself some room for breaks

Cleaning can be tough, which is why it’s important to incorporate some relaxation time. Reward yourself with a snack or a few minutes of couch time after completing a task. What you do on your break time is up to you—just make sure you’re not cleaning!

Get by with a little help

If you’re living with other family members, get them involved by assigning them a few tasks as well. Your little ones can help too and having them participate in your spring cleaning can teach them some valuable lessons on the importance of cleaning. Learn how to create shared to-do lists and plan chores for your kids so you can have more hands helping you out.

“Getting rid of all that excess dust in your house is crucial for maintaining good air quality levels in your house, especially as allergy season approaches.”

With a good spring-cleaning checklist, you can organize your clean effectively and have a tidy living space in no time. Find more tips on running your space smoothly to keep your spring cleaning efforts in place all year round.

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