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Multi-Lingual Business Intelligence

Empower comprehensive analysis of multi-lingual business intelligence

One of the key challenges for business decision makers (BDMs) today is analyzing and synthesizing large amounts of data to inform business decisions. An added complexity to analyzing data is when the data sources are in multiple languages as most analysis tools can only process a single language.

What if you could leverage all the data you have, for a more comprehensive analysis, regardless of the language or the format you receive it in, text or speech (.wav, .mp3)?

This can be easily achieved by integrating Translator text and voice recording into your existing analysis workflow.

Typically, users will either prepare the content in languages 2 to n, by translating it using Translator and storing it with the rest of the native content in language 1 before processing it. Alternatively, for more dynamic workflows, the content can be translated on-the-fly right before it is analyzed.

A high-level description of this multi-lingual workflow can be depicted as follow:

By integrating Translator into your analysis workflow, you will be able to provide a more comprehensive analysis using all of your data regardless of where it comes from, regardless of format from text to audio: CRM databases, marketing campaigns results, customer support logs or calls, translated audio files into searchable text, social media channels, etc.

An example of the use of Microsoft Translator in a Human Resources BI scenario for resume mining and applicants profile analysis can be found in this US Army Europe case study. By integrating Translator, the Army was able to consolidate thirty years of data about job applicants from across Europe in one central SQL database.

Whether you’re developing a standalone app or integrating translation into your solutions, or whether you are looking to learn more about your customers, followers, the industry at large, or any other company stakeholder, Microsoft Translator will enable you to use the complete set of data at your disposal to make better informed decisions.

Additionally, if the data you will analyze relates to content that is specific to your industry, with its particular jargon, acronyms and expressions, you will be able to use Custom Translator to build your company-specific translation system using all of the strength of Microsoft’s base models plus the custom terminology that you have defined or that is typical for your industry.

To get started, learn more about Translator text and speech translations.

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This service is part of Azure AI Services