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Microsoft 365

Why Microsoft 365 is teaming up with OREO THINS to give you a break

Breaks during the workday are essential to our well-being. Amid employee burnout and a human energy crisis in the workplace, we want to help in any way we can.1 While a 15-minute break from your computer won’t fix everything, our research shows that even short breaks allow your brain to reset from the stress of back-to-back meetings.2 It’s a bite-sized step anyone can take.

Enter the THINVITE

That’s why during National Cookie Month, Microsoft 365 and OREO THINS are teaming up to create the THINVITE, a 15-minute snack break delivered straight to your calendar—and your door.

Each THINVITE calendar hold will include a special Microsoft Teams live event link to the entertainment every workplace is hungry for—a glimpse into a day at the office for eight playful pups. The short video, Return to Pawfice, will debut during the first snack break on November 1, 2022, and stream during each THINVITE session. Anyone with the link can join!

And since it wouldn’t be a snack break without snacks, we’re also dropping a limited-edition OREO THINS Snack Break Expansion Cookie Pack. Each expansion pack includes custom-packaged OREO THINS emblazoned with helpful office tips from the iconic Microsoft office assistant, Clippy, plus a special accessory—the must-have Clippy Dippy, designed to keep your hands milk-free while dunking cookies during your snack break.3

To celebrate the collab, we’re also bringing OREO THINS emojis to Microsoft Teams—just type “oreo” or “oreoyum” in your Teams chat emoji search box to find them. The OREO emojis will appear below in the compose bar, just click or tap the one you want to send and press Enter or Send. They’re the perfect way to playfully remind your colleagues to hit refresh with a break.

To learn more about the collaboration, visit the OREO THINVITE page and sign up to join us for a break from 2 to 2:15 PM EDT or 11:00 to 11:15 AM PDT on November 1-3, 2022.

And remember to keep it going!

We’ve had a great time working with OREO THINS and planning the THINVITEs. But we also want to underscore the purpose behind the fun: breaks are an essential part of your workday to support wellbeing. That’s why we build features into technologies like Microsoft Viva to help people schedule focus sessions, meditate and set aside time for breaks.

We want to empower everyone to take time for breaks. Just remember to BYOM—bring your own milk!

1Why Leaders Can’t Ignore the Human Energy Crisis, Kathleen Hogan, Microsoft. September 15, 2022.

2Research Proves Your Brain Needs Breaks, WTI Pulse Report, Microsoft. April 20, 2021.

3Limited availability. Visit for details.