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1 min read

How to insert symbols and special characters into a Word document (video) 

<p>Do you need to use a Euro symbol in an economics paper? How about a Celsius degree in a lab report? Or, maybe you need to insert special characters into your math homework. I recently discovered the Math AutoCorrect feature in Word and realized that I could use it for more than just math stuff. Math AutoCorrect lets me insert symbols and special characters into my documents using keyboard shortcuts. Click the full post to watch a short video where I demonstrate how to insert symbols and special characters into a Word 2010 or Word 2007 document. I also provide step-by-step instructions and keyboard shortcuts, if that's your preference.</p>
5 min read

User State Virtualization: What is it and how will it help you deliver a dynamic and personal Windows Experience? 

A few weeks ago, I posted the first in a series of blogs about Microsoft’s position on Desktop Virtualization. In that post, I explained the three layers to Desktop Virtualization consisting of User State, Application and Operating System Virtualization. Today, I’d like to spend a little more time discussing User State Virtualization and how to
1 min read

Add text to a table of contents 

<p>How do you add text to a table of contents? Not a heading, but just plain text?I was going to write about different commands on the References tab, but then that Add Text button was staring right at me--glaring, in fact.At the risk of opening up the proverbial can of worms...</p>
1 min read

Create a bulleted list in a cell 

Today’s blog post is brought to you by Gary Willoughby. Gary is a writer on who has created and edited content about Excel, Access, and Project. For those of you who like bulleted lists and are frustrated that you can’t insert one in a cell, there is a way to insert bullet points in
1 min read

Address labels and more 

<p>Last week, we took a look at printing envelopes. But often people want to print labels--and then put the labels on envelopes, shipping boxes, CDs, file folders, jars of apricot jam, or whatever can be labeled.How you make your labels depends on what kind of label you want to make...</p>
1 min read

Crabby’s Monday tip: Change where the cursor moves after entering data in Excel 

<p>I tell you, I learn new things—sometimes even elementary things, that even typing monkeys already know—about Office programs every day and today I'm offering the newest one.  I'm going to make this short and sweet today. You can thank Kathy, a Crabby reader who posed this question: "In Excel, when I hit enter the cursor moves to the right, which is what I want (most of the time).  How can I change it to move down?" I just figured that there was a default setting and that the user couldn't change it. Boy was this old dog wrong. Time to learn a new trick...  </p>