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Microsoft Security

Microsoft Security Blog

An integrated incident response solution with Microsoft and PwC 

Microsoft Incident Response and PwC have announced a new global alliance to expand their joint Incident Response and Recovery capability. In this partnership, Microsoft IR will begin the initial containment and investigation of a cyber incident, while PwC will work on securely rebuilding and restoring mission-critical system, providing customers with a more comprehensive and seamless incident response experience.

Go beyond data protection with Microsoft Purview

Govern, protect, and manage all of your data with Microsoft Purview, comprehensive solutions to help give you better visibility and control.

Multiple North Korean threat actors exploiting the TeamCity CVE-2023-42793 vulnerability 

Since early October 2023, Microsoft has observed North Korean nation-state threat actors Diamond Sleet and Onyx Sleet exploiting the Jet Brains TeamCity CVE-2023-42793 remote-code execution vulnerability. Given supply chain attacks carried out by these threat actors in the past, Microsoft assesses that this activity poses a particularly high risk to organizations who are affected.

Microsoft Defender for Endpoint now stops human-operated attacks on its own 

Today, we're pleased to announce that Microsoft Defender for Endpoint customers will now be able automatically to disrupt human-operated attacks like ransomware early in the kill chain without needing to deploy any other capabilities. Now, organizations only need to onboard their devices to Defender for Endpoint to start realizing the benefits of attack disruption.

Automatic disruption of human-operated attacks through containment of compromised user accounts 

User containment is a unique and innovative defense mechanism that stops human-operated attacks in their tracks. We’ve added user containment to the automatic attack disruption capability in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. User containment is automatically triggered by high-fidelity signals and limits attackers’ ability to move laterally within a network regardless of the compromised account’s Active Directory state or privilege level.