Internet access is a fundamental right. 

The freedom to work, learn, and interact with the world requires access to the global network. Connectivity on its own, however, is not the end goal. It is a means to an end that becomes transformative when communities not only have access, but also the technology and solutions that enable safe and productive online experiences.

Our approach

We convene a global network of internet and energy providers, government agencies, nonprofits, and private sector companies focused on closing the global digital divide. Together, we not only build the digital infrastructure required for internet access, but also provide access to digital skills training, devices, and digital solutions that enable people and communities to operate online safely and productively. By working with local and regional partners, we create economic opportunities tailored to the communities they serve.


Our first step is to facilitate the infrastructure required for internet and off-grid energy access. We bring together a global ecosystem of partners to develop solutions based on each community’s unique needs and environment.

Learn how we're expanding access

Digital transformation

Once the infrastructure is in place, we work with our partners and local organizations to deploy solutions and programs that transform communities by promoting safe, productive use of their new digital infrastructure, including digital skills training to help everyone thrive in a digital economy.


We scale impact by advocating for public policies, programs, and funding opportunities that enable communities to maximize the value of their connectivity.

Bring More Women Online

Globally, women are less likely to have access to the internet than men. Learn how we are partnering to address the gender digital divide, ensuring more women and girls have access to transformative technology.

Read the how-to guide

Our impact

Airband has helped more than 51 million people globally gain access to the internet and the economic and educational benefits that come with having affordable access. This includes over 4 million in the United States and 9 million people in Africa to date.

In the news

Learn more about the Microsoft Airband Initiative and explore the latest news and updates.

An essential component of the COVID-19 recovery - Photo by: Prashanth Vishwanathan / CCAFS / CC BY-NC-SA