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Microsoft Security

Microsoft Security Blog

DEV-0196: QuaDream’s “KingsPawn” malware used to target civil society in Europe, North America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia 

Microsoft analyzes a threat group tracked as DEV-0196, the actor’s iOS malware “KingsPawn”, and their link to an Israel-based private sector offensive actor (PSOA) known as QuaDream, which reportedly sells a suite of exploits, malware, and infrastructure called REIGN, that’s designed to exfiltrate data from mobile devices.

10 min read

DevOps threat matrix 

In this blog, we discuss threats we face in our DevOps environment, introducing our new threat matrix for DevOps. Using this matrix, we show the different techniques an adversary might use to attack an organization from the initial access phase and forward.

Go beyond data protection with Microsoft Purview

Govern, protect, and manage all of your data with Microsoft Purview, comprehensive solutions to help give you better visibility and control.

Go beyond data protection with Microsoft Purview

Govern, protect, and manage all of your data with Microsoft Purview, comprehensive solutions to help give you better visibility and control.