Using Name-Based Mappings to Increase Hit Rates

ACM Transactions on Networking |

Published by IEEE

Clusters of identical intermediate servers are often created to improve availability and robustness in many domains. The use of proxy servers for the World Wide Web (WWW) and of rendezvous points in multicast routing are two such situations. However, this approach can be inefficient if identical requests are received and processed by multiple servers. We present an analysis of this problem, and develop a method called the highest random weight (HRW) mapping that eliminates these difficulties. Given an object name and a set of servers, HRW maps a request to a server using the object name, rather than any a priori knowledge of server states. Since HRW always maps a given object name to the same server within a given cluster, it may be used locally at client sites to achieve consensus on object–server mappings.

We present an analysis of HRW and validate it with simulation results showing that it gives faster service times than traditional request allocation schemes such as round-robin or least-loaded, and adapts well to changes in the set of servers. HRW is particularly applicable to domains in which there are a large number of requestable objects, there is a significant probability that a requested object will be requested again, and the CPU load due to any single object can be handled by a single server. HRW has now been adopted by the multicast routing protocols PIMv2 and CBTv2 as its mechanism for routers to identify rendezvous points/cores.