Counting independent sets up to the tree threshold

We present a novel tree representation for the hard-core lattice gas model (weighted independent sets) on a general graph. We use this representation to show that for any graph of maximum degree D, the Gibbs measure is unique (the influence of any boundary condition decays with distance) provided that the activity parameter λ < λc, where λc is the critical activity for the regular tree of degree D. This resolves an open conjecture in statistical physics. Also, since λc is known, this extends the known uniqueness regime for many interesting graphs, including the square integer lattice Z2. Our proof is algorithmic in nature, consisting of an elegant recursive procedure for calculating the probabilities that a given vertex is occupied. This procedure yields an efficient deterministic approximation scheme for counting independent sets of any graph of maximum degree D in the above regime of λ. This extends the regime of λ for which an efficient approximation scheme is known to exist, and includes the interesting case of λ=1 (all independent sets are equally weighted) and maximum degree D=5.

Speaker Details

Dror Weitz received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from UC Berkeley in 2004, where he was advised by Prof. Alistair Sinclair. He then spent a year as a post-doctoral fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study, and is currently a postdoc at DIMACS. His main interests lie in the intersection between theoretical computer science and statistical physics, where he looks to establish connections between algorithmic concepts and phase transitions.

Dror Weitz
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running