Symposium celebrates research collaborations


Big data took center stage at the fifth Microsoft Research Asia Joint Labs Symposium, held on November 2, 2013, in Hefei, China. Gathering under the theme of “Research Collaborations in the Big Data Era,” more than 50 faculty and graduate students, representing 10 labs, joined more than 20 Microsoft researchers to discuss the future of data-intensive science.

The fifth Joint Labs Symposium featured a lively panel discussion about collaborations in the era of big data.
The fifth Joint Labs Symposium featured a lively panel discussion about collaborations in the era of big data.

The symposium is just one of many activities of the Microsoft Research Asia Joint Lab Program (opens in new tab) (JLP). Since its founding in 1999, the JLP has facilitated comprehensive cooperation between Microsoft Research and faculty and students at leading Chinese research universities. The program promotes joint research, advances academic exchange, and fosters talent development. Microsoft Research Asia has established 10 joint labs, eight of which have been named “Key Laboratories” by the Chinese Ministry of Education, a designation that allows them to compete for government funds. To date, the JLP has completed more than 200 joint projects and given rise to over 1,000 academic papers. Equally important, more than 1,000 students have participated in JLP, fueling a robust talent pipeline.


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The JLP facilitates cooperation between Microsoft Research and faculty and students at leading Chinese research universities.The fifth Joint Labs Symposium brought together key faculty and students from all 10 joint labs and provided a forum to showcase achievements, enhance scientific research, and cultivate high-caliber talent. The day’s events were broken into three segments. The first focused on urban informatics empowered by big data. The second centered on the role of cloud computing in the analysis of big data. The third featured a lively panel discussion about collaborations in the era of big data—a spirited dialogue that delved into a host of issues, including the potential of cloud services for research; the sharing of data, algorithms, tools, and even research stacks via virtual machines; and issues of data privacy.

The symposium highlighted the importance that Microsoft Research places on collaboration with major academic institutions. We look forward to another year of fruitful cooperation, as we advance together into the realm of data-intensive research.

—Kangping Liu, Senior University Relations Manager, Microsoft Research Connections Asia

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