Microsoft Research Blog

Tony Hoare

  1. Celebrating Excellence at POPL 2013 

    February 5, 2013

    Arrivederci, Roma: As the 40th ACM Principles of Programming Languages conference (POPL 2013) drew to a close on Friday, January 25, 2013, I was struck by how much it was a celebration of excellence, and I was pleased that Microsoft Research could play a big…

  2. Workshop Explores Opportunities in Verified Software 

    August 31, 2012

    Building verifiably reliable and trustworthy software is one of the ultimate objectives of software engineering. With this goal in mind, academics, scientists, and researchers gathered in Shanghai, China, for the second Verified Software Workshop and Summer School. The event, which took place from August 23 to…

  3. Seventh Cambridge PhD Summer School: the Biggest and Busiest Yet 

    July 13, 2012

    Almost 90 PhD students convened for the seventh PhD Summer School The first week of July was an exciting one for us here at Microsoft Research Cambridge, as we hosted the seventh PhD Summer School. Each year, we invite scholars in the Microsoft Research PhD…

  4. Tony Hoare on the Turing Centenary 

    June 15, 2012

    Posted by Tony Hoare, winner of the A.M. Turing Award in 1980 Can computers understand their own programs? From my earliest days as a student of philosophy and classics at Merton College, Oxford, I was attracted into computing by the prospect that it would shed…

  5. Microsoft Research Cambridge: Year in Review 

    December 29, 2011

    Posted by Andrew Blake, managing director of Microsoft Research Cambridge   The latest in a series of posts from the directors of Microsoft Research’s labs worldwide, this one from Andrew Blake from Microsoft Research Cambridge.It’s been quite a year, not least because it was my…

  6. Software You Can See: Looking Back at the Paris Software Summit 2011 

    April 29, 2011

    There is a saying dating back to the days of punched cards that "the software is in the holes"—and therefore invisible. At the recent Microsoft Research Software Summit in Paris, software was anything but invisible. It was all around us and manifest in the smartphones, gadgets,…

  7. And the Winners Are … 

    September 26, 2006 | Tony Hoare, Butler Lampson, and Jim Gray

    Over the years, Microsoft Research has attracted experienced researchers at the top of their fields, as well as fresh new talent that achieves significant results right out of the gate. And the research community has rewarded many of them with some of its highest honors.…