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Creative and Controllable AI Video Editing

Demo (opens in new tab) Paper (opens in new tab)

CCEdit is a comprehensive generative video editing framework meticulously designed to strike a harmonious balance between controllability and creativity while accommodating a wide range of editing requirements. CCEdit enables enhanced creative control through an innovative approach that decouples frame structure and appearance. We leverage the foundational ControlNet architecture to preserve structural integrity, while seamlessly integrating adaptable temporal modules compatible with state-of-the-art personalization techniques for text-to-image generation, such as DreamBooth and LoRA. Furthermore, we introduce reference-conditioned video editing, empowering users to exercise precise creative control over video editing through the more manageable process of editing key frames.

CCEdit is a comprehensive framework meticulously designed to strike a harmonious balance between controllability and creativity while accommodating a wide range of editing requirements.