
Scheduler is an intelligent assistant that uses natural language to coordinate, negotiate, and schedule your meetings. Scheduler was previously called and was developed at Microsoft Research and currently a joint project with the Outlook team.

Welcome to Scheduler for Microsoft 365 

Scheduler for Microsoft 365 is a service that enables users to delegate meeting and appointment scheduling to their digital personal assistant, Cortana. Scheduler uses natural language processing to interpret emails sent to Cortana ( to find a time to meet and send meeting requests for the meeting organizer.


  • Communicates with the meeting organizer and attendees in natural language
  • Finds a time to meet when everyone is available
  • Coordinates between external attendees based on the organizer’s availability
  • Keeps the meeting organizer informed on scheduling progress and asks the organizer for guidance when needed
  • Negotiates times to meet across up to two different time zones
  • Sends the invitation to the meeting
  • Adds a Teams link to every meeting
  • Reschedules or cancels meetings booked by Cortana
  • Works from any device with email