A Teacher-Student Learning based Born-Again Training Approach to Improving Scene Text Detection Accuracy

2019 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition |

With the recent success of convolutional neural network (CNN) based text detection approaches, designing better CNN-based text detection frameworks has become a major research focus to improve text detection accuracy. In this paper, instead of following this direction, we propose to use a born-again training strategy, which is based on teacher-student learning (TSL), to improve the accuracy of the state-of-the-art CNN-based text detectors. More specifically, given a well-trained CNN-based text detector, we take it as a teacher model and train from scratch a new student model with the same topology under the supervision of both the teacher model and ground-truth labels. Furthermore, we propose a new proposal-free multi-level feature mimicking approach to making multi-level convolutional feature maps be effectively mimicked in a unified manner. Experiments demonstrate that the student models trained by the proposed approach can achieve substantially better results than their teacher models and have better generalization abilities.