Learning Accurate Decision Trees with Bandit Feedback via Quantized Gradient Descent

  • [Guest] Ajaykrishna Karthikeyan (ajaykrishna-karthikeyan) ,
  • Naman Jain ,
  • ,
  • Prateek Jain

Transactions on Machine Learning Research |

Decision trees provide a rich family of highly non-linear but efficient models, due to which they continue to be the go-to family of predictive models by practitioners across domains. But learning trees is a challenging problem due to their highly discrete and non-differentiable decision boundaries. The state-of-the-art techniques use greedy methods that exploit the discrete tree structure but are tailored to specific problem settings (say, categorical vs real-valued predictions). In this work, we propose a reformulation of the tree learning problem that provides better conditioned gradients, and leverages successful deep network learning techniques like overparameterization and straight-through estimators. Our reformulation admits an efficient and {\em accurate} gradient-based algorithm that allows us to deploy our solution in disparate tree learning settings like supervised batch learning and online bandit feedback based learning. Using extensive validation on standard benchmarks, we observe that in the supervised learning setting, our general method is competitive to, and in some cases more accurate than, existing methods that are designed {\em specifically} for the supervised settings. In contrast, for bandit settings, where most of the existing techniques are not applicable, our models are still accurate and significantly outperform the applicable state-of-the-art methods.


Publication Downloads

Dense Gradient Tree

September 9, 2022

This repository houses the supporting code for the paper Learning Accurate Decision Trees with Bandit Feedback via Quantized Gradient Descent. The Dense Gradient Tree (DGT) technique supports learning decision trees of a given height for (a) multi-class classification, (b) regression settings, with both (a) standard supervised, and (b) bandit feedback. In the bandit feedback setting, the true loss function is unknown to the learning algorithm; the learner can only query the loss for a given prediction. The goal then is to learn decision trees in an online manner, where at each round the learner maintains a tree model, makes prediction for the presented features, receives a loss, and updates the tree model.