Walk a Mile in Their Shoes: The Covid pandemic through the lens of four tech workers

ACM Queue | , Vol 20(2)

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization officially declared Covid a global pandemic. What followed was one of the most tumultuous times in recent history, filled with uncertainties about almost every aspect of daily life—including the workplace. Within a matter of days, major tech companies like Microsoft, Google and Twitter sent employees home to work remotely until the pandemic ended. At the time, most people expected about a two-week outbreak. A few weeks turned into months, and at the time of this writing, 20 months after the initial WFH directive hit tech workers, we’re still typing this article from our basements. This article shares the stories of four fictional people made up from the amalgamated diaries of 20 individuals who submitted more than 150 diary entries over the first year of the pandemic. Their stories can help you better understand experiences in this new world so you can operate in a more empathetic and productive way as we move into the uncertain future of hybrid work.