Simulation and Modeling – Mitigating the Energy Crisis using Simulation for Enhanced Oil Recovery: Analyzing Oil Fields Grain by Grain

Speaker Details

John is Director of MIT’s Auto-ID Laboratory and a professor of Information Engineering. The Auto-ID Lab is one of 7 university laboratories worldwide using RFID to architect “The Internet of Things”. The challenges involve building a global identity system for entities and data that is secure and scalable. He was previously Vice President of Engineering at two software start-ups and is currently doing research for SAP, Intel, EPCglobal and Homeland Security on RFID networks. He teaches two graduate courses on Web System Architecting and on Modern Software Development (both on .NET). He holds a MA in Physics from Oxford University, a MS in Physics from UCLA and a PhD in Numerical Methods from the University of Wales, Swansea and has published two books and over 100 journal and conference papers. In his spare time he plays golf and dances Argentine tango but is grateful for his day job.

John Williams, David Holmes, and Peter Tilke
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running