Transforming the Poetic Experience of Space through Light

Transforming the Poetic Experience of Space through Light investigates theoretical and practical artistic methods of manipulating senses through which the space is experienced cognitively and emotionally. The focus is on innovative use of experimental lighting that engages perception, emotion, memory, and imagination. Theoretical research focuses on historical and contemporary references that demonstrate transformation of spatial experience by means of manipulating light. Studying theoretical and practical examples leads towards discovering, interpreting, and developing a novel body of knowledge for enhancing the multisensory spatial experience that provides access to transforming the perception of space in the purpose of art.

Practice based research investigates both traditional and progressive principles of spatial design, fabrication, lighting design, audiovisual systems, and algorithmic composition. The interest is in exploiting technological advancements in lighting that can fuse perception of senses and add to the phenomenological experience of the artistic intentions. The premise for this practice is an expansion of the lighting technology apparatus into immersive perceptual hyperspace.

Speaker Details

Maja Petric is an artist working at interface of science, technology and art. She holds a PhD in Digital Art and Experimental Media (DXARTS) from University of Washington, Masters degree in new media art from New York University, Tisch School of the Arts, Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), and a Masters degree in journalism from University of Zagreb, Croatian Studies. Maja grew up in Croatia during the violent fragmentation of Yugoslavia. It is then that she became preoccupied with using art to transform the traumatized sense of her surroundings. Her work is about changing the perception of space in function of art. Therefore, the subjects of her work are perception, space, and art. To change perception, she studies sensation, experience, and phenomenology. To create spatial situations, she practices designing spaces, fabricating structures, manipulating materials, and integrating lighting and audiovisual systems. The core of her artistic research is the sublime. Her light art installations have recently been exhibited at Henry Art Gallery, Amazon Storefront Gallery, and Microsoft Research Gallery in Seattle and awarded Richard Kelly Light Art Award, Thunen Lighting Awards, and Doctoral Fellowship from Croatian Science Foundation.

Maja Petric
University of Washington
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running