Zero History

Our present is a time defined by frenzied change, a world is which everything is growing faster and more connected at an exponential rate, and we are at a “nodal point”–a key point in history after which everything will be different. Main character Hubertus Bigend (the twisted financial genius from Pattern Recognition and Spook Country) is obsessed with the ways advertising, branding and consumption are all tangled up with the growing military complex, and to untangle it he has to uncover the story behind a mysteriously popular clothing brand. Where does it all lead? To a dangerous, peculiar and complicated future where boundaries of on and offline is blurred, parent-child relationships have migrated to twitter, in fact a place that looks a lot like today.

Speaker Details

William Gibson is the author of nine books including Spook Country, Pattern Recognition and His 1984 debut novel Neuromancer was the first novel to win the three top science fiction prizes: the Hugo Award, the Nebula and the Phillip K. Dick Memorial Award. A founder of the “cyberpunk” genre, Gibson is credited with coining the term “cyberspace” in his short story “Burning Chrome”.

William Gibson
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running