Microsoft Azure

Azure Research

Azure Research is a federation of research groups within Microsoft Azure. We perform cutting-edge research in close collaboration Microsoft product teams and the broader industrial and academic research community. See the individual team’s pages for more information about our work.

confidential computing hero

Security and privacy

The Azure Research – Security and Privacy group in the Azure Office of the CTO tackles cloud security and privacy challenges. The group’s pioneering work influences Microsoft products and services, as well as the broader computer industry, through a series of industrial and academic partnerships. The group focuses on secure distributed computing, privacy-preserving AI, secure hardware, software security, and verified security/cryptography.

Research Summit 2022 - Computing Foundations track - Future of the Cloud


The Azure Research – Systems group in Azure Core brings forward-looking, world-class systems research directly into Azure. The group aims to enhance cost efficiency across Microsoft’s online services and data centers through innovation across the entire computing stack. Projects include power management, sustainability, resource optimization, disaggregation, next-generation cloud platforms, and AI-driven systems.