Microsoft Research Blog

Human-centered computing

  1. a screen shot of a computer

    Rocket-fast embedded TypeScript for MakeCode Arcade 

    September 3, 2019 | Michal Moskal

    When we began developing Microsoft MakeCode, a computing education platform, it was all about making programming easier, more engaging, and just plain friendlier. After all, if we were going to inspire the next generation of coders, easier entry into the world of computer science would…

  2. a hand holding a package of food

    Introducing TORC: A rigid haptic controller that renders elastic objects 

    May 2, 2019 | Mar Gonzalez Franco and Eyal Ofek

    Oxymorons of haptics might be the new normal Consumer virtual reality (VR) systems can immerse users in wonderous virtual worlds, rich in sights and sounds. However, how many times have you reached for an object in VR or augmented reality (AR) and, just as you…

  3. Advancing accessibility on the web, in virtual reality, and in the classroom 

    April 18, 2019 | Meredith Ringel Morris

    At the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems conference in Glasgow, Scotland this May, researchers from Microsoft’s Redmond and UK labs, together with our university collaborators, will be presenting several papers and demos that explore how to design technologies more inclusively, to…

  4. Making ‘micromoments’ work for you 

    April 12, 2019 | Shamsi Iqbal

    Imagine you’ve been asked to write a crucial document for your company, perhaps a detailed outline of its long-term strategy. You’re excited, but don’t know when you’ll find the time to write it. As you sit in a meeting later that day, waiting for the…

  5. Encouraging developers and manufacturers to innovate with Eye Control 

    October 31, 2018

    Eye Control is an exciting technology in Windows 10 that allows customers to use their eyes to control an on-screen mouse, keyboard and text-to-speech experience. This is a technology that empowers people with limited mobility such as people living with ALS. As part of the…

  6. a person sitting at a table using a laptop computer

    UIST a showcase for innovation and an opportunity for professional growth 

    October 15, 2018

    Thirteen years ago, researchers Shamsi Iqbal, Jaime Teevan, and Meredith Ringel Morris met for the first time. They were graduate students participating in the Doctoral Symposium at the 2005 ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium. Teevan and Morris were slightly senior, preparing to graduate the…