Microsoft confidential computing logo on an abstract blue and purple gradient background
Azure Research

Azure Research – Security and Privacy

Here is some of the open source code available from the Confidential Computing team:

The Confidential Consortium Framework (CCF) (opens in new tab) is an open-source framework for building a new category of secure, highly available, and performant applications that focus on multi-party compute and data.

snmalloc is a high-performance allocator. snmalloc can be used directly in a project as a header-only C++ library, it can be LD_PRELOADed on Elf platforms (e.g. Linux, BSD), and there is a crate (opens in new tab) to use it from Rust.

Revizor is a security-oriented fuzzer for detecting information leaks in CPUs, such as Spectre and Meltdown (opens in new tab). It tests CPUs against Leakage Contracts (opens in new tab) and searches for unexpected leaks.

Project Verona is a research programming language to explore the concept of concurrent ownership. We are providing a new concurrency model that seamlessly integrates ownership.

A library for statistically estimating the privacy of Machine Learning training pipelines from membership inference attacks.

Microsoft Membership Inference Competition (MICO). A public competition to benchmark differentially private model training as a mitigation against white-box membership inference attacks.

High-Assurance Cryptographic Library. Modern cryptographic algorithms (Curve25519, Ed25519, AES-GCM, Chacha20, Poly1305, SHA-2, SHA-3, HMAC, HKDF) formally verified in F* (opens in new tab), compilable to C and WebAssembly. 

CHERIoT (“Capability Hardware Extension to RISC-V for the Internet of Things”) is a co-designed embedded processor and RTOS for embedded-scale systems, offering object-granular memory safety and light-weight compartmentalization to C/C++.

Rego is a language developed by Open Policy Agent (OPA) for use in defining policies in cloud systems. The rego-cpp project is a multi-pass compiler and unification engine in C++ which give programmers the flexibility to integrate Rego natively into a wider range of languages, including C, C++, Rust, and Python.