Portrait of Sriram Rajamani

Sriram Rajamani

Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Research

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Other Interests

Together with colleagues at MSR India, I am working on a blended learning model (combining online learning with in-classroom pedagogy) for education in India. For more detais see: Massively Empowered Classrooms (opens in new tab).

I am very interested in CS research community activities in India. See Mysore-Park workshop series (opens in new tab).

Editorial Boards

Keynote Talks

Conference Organization

I have chaired or co-chaired the following conferences in the past. Due to my research and management workload at MSR India, I am currently not undertaking any conference chairing roles.

Program Committees

I have served on the following conference program committees:

SNAPL 2015 (opens in new tab), POPL 2013 (opens in new tab), PLDI 2013 (opens in new tab) (ERC), ISEC 2013 (opens in new tab), VMCAI 2011 (opens in new tab)PLDI 2010 (opens in new tab), ICSE 2010 (opens in new tab)ISEC 2010 (opens in new tab), ISSRE 2009 (opens in new tab), FSE 2009 (opens in new tab), (opens in new tab) POPL 2009 (opens in new tab)FSTTCS 2008 (opens in new tab), CCS 2008 (opens in new tab), ISSTA 2008 (opens in new tab), TACAS 2008 (opens in new tab), ICSE 2008 (opens in new tab), FSE 2007 (opens in new tab), FSTTCS 2006 (opens in new tab), APLAS 2006 (opens in new tab), APSEC 2006 (opens in new tab), PLAS 2006 (opens in new tab) , POPL 2005 (opens in new tab), TACAS 2005 (opens in new tab)FMCAD 2004 (opens in new tab), ISSTA 2004 (opens in new tab), FSTTCS 2003 (opens in new tab) , PPoPP 2003 (opens in new tab), CAV 2003 (opens in new tab) , TACAS 2003, (opens in new tab) SPIN 2002 (opens in new tab), FSE 2002 (opens in new tab), SAVE 2001 (opens in new tab)