The Verification Corner

Established: January 8, 2010

The Verification Corner is a video series on YouTube that explains different concepts of software verification.


(opens in new tab)Stepwise refinement – 10/8/2010:

In this episode, Kuat Yessenov and Rustan Leino (opens in new tab), Principal Researcher in the Research in Software Engineering (RiSE) group at Microsoft Research, show how a program can be constructed by stepwise refinement.


(opens in new tab)Loop Termination – 3/29/2010:

In this episode, Rustan Leino (opens in new tab) shows how to prove loop termination. During his demonstration, Rustan presents the theoretical background information necessary to build the proof before modeling it using the Dafny language (opens in new tab).


Specifications in Action – The Chunker – 3/1/2010:

In this episode, Rustan Leino (opens in new tab)writes a string chunker using Spec#. He gives a brief overview how one can specify and implement a program while getting the help from the Spec# verifier.


Loop Invariants – 1/12/2010:

In this episode, Rustan Leino (opens in new tab)talks about Loop Invariants. He gives a brief summary of the theoretical foundations and shows (using a problem to compute cubes) how a program can sometimes be systematically constructed from its specifications.


Portrait of Peli de Halleux

Peli de Halleux

Principal Research Software Engineer