Learning Joint Reconstruction of Hands and Manipulated Objects

  • Yana Hasson ,
  • Gul Varol ,
  • Dimitrios Tzionas ,
  • Igor Kalevatykh ,
  • Michael J. Black ,
  • Ivan Laptev ,
  • Cordelia Schmid

2019 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |

Published by IEEE

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Estimating hand-object manipulations is essential for in- terpreting and imitating human actions. Previous work has made significant progress towards reconstruction of hand poses and object shapes in isolation. Yet, reconstructing hands and objects during manipulation is a more challeng- ing task due to significant occlusions of both the hand and object. While presenting challenges, manipulations may also simplify the problem since the physics of contact re- stricts the space of valid hand-object configurations. For example, during manipulation, the hand and object should be in contact but not interpenetrate. In this work, we regu- larize the joint reconstruction of hands and objects with ma- nipulation constraints. We present an end-to-end learnable model that exploits a novel contact loss that favors phys- ically plausible hand-object constellations. Our approach improves grasp quality metrics over baselines, using RGB images as input. To train and evaluate the model, we also propose a new large-scale synthetic dataset, ObMan, with hand-object manipulations. We demonstrate the transfer- ability of ObMan-trained models to real data.