Mesh Denoising with Facet Graph Convolutions

  • Matthieu Armando ,
  • Jean-Sebastien Franco ,
  • Edmond Boyer

We examine the problem of mesh denoising, which consists of removing noise from corrupted 3D meshes while preserving existing geometric features. Most mesh denoising methods require a lot of mesh-specific parameter fine-tuning, to account for specific features and noise types. In recent years, data-driven methods have demonstrated their robustness and effectiveness with respect to noise and feature properties on a wide variety of geometry and image problems. Most existing mesh denoising methods still use hand-crafted features, and locally denoise facets rather than examine the mesh globally. In this work, we propose the use of a fully end-to-end learning strategy based on graph convolutions, where meaningful features are learned directly by our network. It operates on a graph of facets, directly on the existing topology of the mesh, without resampling, and follows a multi-scale design to extract geometric features at different resolution levels. Similar to most recent pipelines, given a noisy mesh, we first denoise face normals with our novel approach, then update vertex positions accordingly. Our method performs significantly better than the current state-of-the-art learning-based methods. Additionally, we show that it can be trained on noisy data, without explicit correspondence between noisy and ground-truth facets. We also propose a multi-scale denoising strategy, better suited to correct noise with a low spatial frequency.