A o(n) Monotonicity Tester for Boolean Functions on the Hypercube

  • Deeparnab Chakrabarty ,
  • C. Seshadhri

STOC '13 Proceedings of the forty-fifth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, Palo Alto, California, USA |

Published by ACM New York, NY, USA


Given oracle access to a Boolean function f:01n01 , we design a randomized tester that takes as input a parameter \eps0, and outputs {\sf Yes} if the function is monotone, and outputs {\sf No} with probability 23 , if the function is \eps-far from monotone. That is, f needs to be modified at \eps-fraction of the points to make it monotone. Our non-adaptive, one-sided tester makes O(n78\eps32)  queries to the oracle.