A Novel See-Through Screen Based on Weave Fabrics


See-through screens (STS) have found important applications in remote collaboration systems to enhance non-verbal communication and gaze awareness. Existing STS designs often sacrifice the display quality significantly, rendering low-contrast images that discount the overall user experience. In this paper, we present a novel see-through screen solution based on weave fabrics. Such fabrics are known to be acoustically transparent and used to build professional projection screens for Hollywood studios. We place a camera immediately behind the screen and synchronize it with a 120Hz projector to perform time-multiplexing display and video capture. By focusing the camera at the user 4-5 feet away from the screen, the image of the weave fabric will be severely blurred. We present the imaging principle of the setup, and derive image processing techniques to enhance the quality of the captured video. The overall system is low cost, has much better display quality than existing systems, and can be used to build wall-size see-through screens for various applications.