MSRNE 5th Anniversary Symposium – Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science

Machine learning has enjoyed much progress in recent years, where algorithmic advances have led to breakthroughs in speech recognition, machine translation, visual object recognition, computational biology, and more. This session will explore this progress along with future challenges that we will face, including technological problems and issues at the intersection of social science.

Speaker Details

My primary research interests are in cryptography and security, with particular interest in cryptography in practice, cryptanalysis, privacy, lattices, computational number theory, and coding theory. I am part of the Security Laboratory and the Theory Group at Penn.

Previously, I was a visiting researcher at Microsoft Research New England in Cambridge, MA, and an NSF mathematical sciences postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at UC San Diego. I have a Ph.D. in computer science from Princeton University and a B.S. in electrical engineering and computer science from UC Berkeley.

I joined Microsoft Research New England in Cambridge, Massachusetts as a Principal Researcher in 2009. Previously, from 1997-2009, I was a faculty member in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at MIT and a member of their Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). Even earlier, from 1992-1997, I was a research staff member at IBM’s Thomas J. Watson Research Center. My educational degrees were from the Indian Institute of Technology at New Delhi (B.Tech., 1983-1987) and the University of California at Berkeley (Ph.D., 1987-1992).

Peter Winkler is Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, and Albert Bradley Third Century Professor in the Sciences, at Dartmouth College. A winner of the Mathematical Association of America’s Lester R. Ford Award for mathematical exposition, he is the author of about 135 mathematical research papers and holds a dozen patents in computing, cryptology, holography, optical networking and marine navigation. His research is primarily in combinatorics, probability, and the theory of computing, with forays into statistical physics. Prof. Winkler has also authored two collections of mathematical puzzles, a portfolio of compositions for ragtime piano, and a book on uses of cryptography in the game of bridge.

Nadia Heninger, Madhu Sudan, and Peter Winkler
University of Pennsylvania, Microsoft, Dartmouth