The Laws of Disruption: Harnessing the New Laws of Disruption that Govern Life and Business in the Digital Age

Digital technology is ubiquitous; we click through licensing agreements without reading them, post music files, and add phone applications. Are these uses legal? Moral? Most people aren’t sure, and that is because social, political and economic systems—like the law—change slowly, but technology changes in the blink of an eye. Users are left in the gap between the speed of innovation and the sluggishness of social change. Let’s look at that gap, and examine the business and social implications of the laws of disruption as they relate to the problems of oversight, strategy and the internet. In the gap created by the Law of Disruption gold opportunities await those who move quickly.

Speaker Details

Larry Downes is the author of the bestselling Unleashing the Killer App and a noted expert on information technology, strategy and law. He is partner in the Bell-Mason group and a nonresident fellow at the Stanford Law School Center for Internet & Society. He has written for a variety of publications including the Harvard Business Review and USA Today.

Larry Downes
Stanford Law: Center for Internet and Society, Fellow