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Colin Masson articles

Colin Masson
Global Industry Marketing Director, Manufacturing
5 min read

Hannover Messe 2021: What’s next for manufacturing 

Its been a challenging year for manufacturers, but also an exciting one, as they’ve been able to respond and adapt by accelerating their digital transformation journeys—and as you’ll hear from Microsoft leaders, customers, and partners at Hannover Messe 2021: Digital Edition—the benefits of digitalization are no longer questioned, it’s now about accelerating time to value,
5 min read

Addressing the skills gap in manufacturing’s new normal 

Can digitization address the manufacturing skills gap and worker safety? Even before the pandemic, manufacturing has been changing so quickly that it can be difficult for your workforce to keep up. In fact, Deloitte and the Manufacturing Institute had estimated that up to 2.4 million US manufacturing jobs could remain unfilled between 2018 and 2028 because of a lack of adequate skills.