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STEM Student Challenge

Key dates

The Microsoft STEM Student Challenge has now come to its conclusion for this year.


We are no longer accepting registrations for this challenge.

Contact us:

For any queries please see our FAQ section or email stemsc@microsoft.com.

For UK residents only

Ever wondered what the world will be like in 20 years?
How will the technology of today have changed?


We want you to invent the future!

The Microsoft STEM Student Challenge aims to help UK students connect the dots between the STEM subjects they study today and the impact those subjects could have on their ability to be part of the next generation of technology heroes. We invite students to use their knowledge of STEM subjects and marry it with research and creativity to imagine and depict their vision of technology in 2037.

The challenge is open to teams of 4-6 students in years 8-10.

Think it:

Get together in a team of 4-6 people, choose one of the following categories and come up with an original technology idea that you think could exist in that field in 20 years’ time.

  • Artificial intelligence and virtual reality
  • Data security
  • Healthcare

Film it:

Create a video that depicts your idea. The tech doesn’t exist yet, so you’ll have to get creative! Make a science show, do a skit, create a green-screen super-futuristic masterpiece complete with tin foil supercomputer spaceship – just keep it under two minutes.

Win it?

Submit your video to us and you could be spending an exciting day with Microsoft researchers and engineers at our lab, winning up to £5,000 worth of computing equipment for your school, as well as awesome prizes for yourselves!

Download an information pack for more details on the challenge and how to register.

The STEM Student Challenge is brought to you by Microsoft Research Cambridge.