July 12, 2010 July 13, 2010

Faculty Summit 2010

Location: Redmond, WA, USA

Speaker Biographies

  • Alex Acero is research area manager in Microsoft Research, directing an organization with 60 engineers working on audio, multimedia, communication, speech, and natural language. He is also an affiliate professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Washington. He received a M.S. degree from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, in 1985; a M.S. degree from Rice University, Houston, TX, in 1987; and a Ph.D. degree from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, in 1990, all in Electrical Engineering. Dr. Acero worked in Apple Computer’s Advanced Technology Group during 1990–1991. In 1992, he joined Telefonica I+D, Madrid, Spain, as manager of the speech technology group. Since 1994, he has been with Microsoft Research.

    Dr. Acero is a Fellow of IEEE. He has served the IEEE Signal Processing Society as Vice President Technical Directions (2007–2009), Director Industrial Relations (2009–2011), 2006 Distinguished Lecturer, member of the Board of Governors (2004–2005), associate editor for IEEE Signal Processing Letters (2003–2005) and IEEE Transactions of Audio, Speech and Language Processing (2005–2007), and member of the editorial board of IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (2006–2008) and IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2008–2010). He also served as member (1996–2000) and Chair (2000–2002) of the Speech Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He was Publications Chair of ICASSP98, Sponsorship Chair of the 1999 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, and General Co-Chair of the 2001 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding. Dr. Acero served as member of the editorial board of Computer Speech and Language and member of Carnegie Mellon University Dean’s Leadership Council for College of Engineering.

    Dr. Acero is author of the books Acoustical and Environmental Robustness in Automatic Speech Recognition (Kluwer, 1993) and Spoken Language Processing (Prentice Hall, 2001), has written invited chapters in 4 edited books and 200 technical papers. He holds 78 U.S. patents. Since 2004, Dr. Acero, along with co-authors Drs. Huang and Hon, has been using proceeds from their textbook Spoken Language Processing to fund the “IEEE Spoken Language Processing Student Travel Grant” for the best ICASSP student papers in the speech area.

  • Deb Agarwal is Advanced Computing for Science Department Head and the Data Intensive Systems Group Lead at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. As a member of the Berkeley Water Center collaboration between University of California, Berkeley, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Dr. Agarwal leads a team developing data server infrastructure to significantly enhance data browsing and analysis capabilities and enable eco-science synthesis at the watershed-scale to understand hydrologic and conservation questions and at the global-scale to understand carbon flux. Dr. Agarwal’s research focuses on scientific tools that enable sharing of scientific experiments, advanced networking infrastructure to support sharing of scientific data, and data analysis support infrastructure for eco-science. Dr. Agarwal holds a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of California, Santa Barbara and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University.

  • Blaise Agüera y Arcas is the architect of Bing Mobile and Mapping at Microsoft. He works in a variety of roles, from designer and coder to strategist, and he leads an Applied Research team of researchers and engineers with strengths in social media, computer vision, and graphics. He joined Microsoft when his startup company, Seadragon, was acquired by Live Labs in 2006. Shortly after the acquisition of Seadragon, Blaise directed his team in a collaboration with Microsoft Research and the University of Washington, leading to the first public previews of Photosynth several months later. His TED talk on Seadragon and Photosynth in 2007 is still rated “most jaw-dropping” on ted.com. He returned to the TED stage in 2010 to present Bing Maps.

    Blaise has a broad background in computer science and applied math, and has worked in a variety of fields, including computational neuroscience, computational drug design, and data compression. In 2001, he received press coverage for his discovery, using computational methods, of the printing technology used by Johann Gutenberg. Blaise’s work on early printing was the subject of a BBC Open University documentary, entitled “What Did Gutenberg Invent?” He has published essays and research papers in theoretical biology, neuroscience, and history.

    In 2008–2009, he was a recipient of MIT Technology Review’s TR35 award (35 top innovators under 35) and Fast Company’s MCP100 (“100 most creative people in business”); in 2010, he’s on Advertising Age’s Creativity 50 (“annual list of the most influential and inspiring creative personalities of the last year”).

  • Walter Alvarez received his PhD in geology at Princeton. His thesis research (and honeymoon) was in a roadless desert in Colombia, living with Guajiro Indians and smugglers.

    Much of his research has been in Italy, where he worked on archeological geology in Rome, on the tectonics of the geologically complex Mediterranean, and on Earth’s magnetic reversals recorded in deep-water limestones in the Apennines.

    In 1977, he joined the faculty at U.C. Berkeley and began a study of the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous Period. Evidence from iridium measurements suggested that the extinction was due to impact on the Earth of a giant asteroid or comet, and many years later that hypothesis was confirmed by the discovery of a huge impact crater, buried beneath the subsurface of the Yucatán Peninsula, dating from precisely the time of the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction.

    He is currently interested in Big History, the new field that aims to tie everything in our planet’s past into a coherent understanding of the grand sweep and character of history.

    Alvarez has received honorary doctorates from the University of Siena in Italy and the University of Oviedo in the Principality of Asturias in Spain, where his family originated.

  • Victor Bahl is a principal researcher and founding manager of the Networking Research Group in Microsoft Research Redmond. He is responsible for shaping Microsoft’s long-term vision related to networking technologies through research and associated policy engagement with governments and institutions around the world. He directs research activities that push the state-of-art in the networking of devices and systems. He and his group build proof-of-concept systems, engage with academia, publish papers in prestigious conferences and journals, publish software for the research community, and work with product groups to influence Microsoft products.

    His personal research interests span a variety of topics in mobile networking, wireless systems design, datacenter networking, and enterprise networking and management. He has built and deployed several seminal and highly cited networked systems, with a total of more than 9,500 citations; he has authored more than 110 peer-reviewed papers and 120 patent applications, 74 of which have issued; he has won best paper awards at SIGCOMM and CoNext and has delivered morethan two dozen keynote and plenary talks.

    He is the founder and past chairperson of ACM SIGMOBILE, the founder and steering committee chair of the MobiSys; and the founder and past editor-in-chief of ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review. He has served as the general chair of several IEEE and ACM conferences including SIGCOMM and MobiCom, and is serving on the steering committees of seven IEEE & ACM conferences and workshops, several of which he co-founded; he has been serving as the chair of ACM’s Outstanding Contributions Award committee related to mobility for more than 15 years. He has served on the board of more than half a dozen journals, on several NSF, NRC and FCC panels, and on more than six dozen program committees. Dr. Bahl received Digital’s Doctoral Engineering Fellowship Award in 1995 and SIGMOBILE’s Distinguished Service Award in 2001. In 2004, Microsoft nominated him for the innovator of the year award. He became an ACM Fellow in 2003 and an IEEE Fellow in 2008.

    When not working, he loves to read, travel, eat in fine restaurants, watch competitive sports and action movies, and spend time drinking with friends and family.

  • Thomas Ball is principal researcher at Microsoft Research where he manages the Software Reliability Research group. Tom received a PhD from the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1993, was with Bell Labs from 1993 to 1999, and has been at Microsoft Research since 1999. He is one of the originators of the SLAM project, a software model checking engine for C that forms the basis of the Static Driver Verifier tool. Tom’s interests range from program analysis, model checking, testing, and automated theorem proving to the problems of defining and measuring software quality.

  • Richard Baneham is an Academy Award and BAFTA Award winner for Best Visual Effects for his work as the animation supervisor on Avatar. He worked closely with the actors to try to produce a CG performance that evoked a full emotional range and idiosyncratic nuances of their performances.

    Richie also worked as an animation supervisor on Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and The Return of the King where he was integrally involved in the breakthrough character of Gollum with actor Andy Serkis. His body of work also includes The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Cats and Dogs, one of the earliest examples of fully integrated CG characters.

    Richie hails from a traditional background, which includes the move The Iron Giant, one of Richie’s favorites. This was a transitional movie, where Richie worked on 2D and 3D simultaneously. He was educated in Classical Animation at Dublin’s Ballyfermot College of Art & Design, Ireland, and in 1994 moved to L.A. to pursue his career in Hollywood.

  • Roger Barga is currently Senior Architect of the Cloud Computing Futures (CCF) group in Microsoft Research, where he leads a technical engagements team that works with external researchers interested in carrying out large scale computing, scientific research, and data analytics on the Windows Azure cloud platform. Previously, Roger led the Microsoft Research Advanced Research Tools and Services (ARTS) team, which built innovative services and tools for data intensive research. Roger joined Microsoft in 1997 as a researcher in the Database group of Microsoft Research, where he participated in both systems research and product development efforts in database, workflow, and stream processing systems.

  • Mike Barnett is a research software design engineer in the RiSE group in Microsoft Research. He has been at Microsoft since 1995. He previously worked on the Spec# language and is interested in all things programming language.

  • Coming from a background in traditional art and illustration in New York, Yuri Bartoli moved to California to work as a concept artist on Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. He has been working in the visual effects, commercial, and film industry for more than 10 years at companies such as Pacific Data Images and Dreamworks Animation, and as a visual effects art director on shows like Evolution, Minority Report, and AI, honing his skills in art and matte painting as well as computer graphics, then transitioning into feature animation on films like Madagascar and Shrek 2.

    In May 2005, he began work on Avatar as one of four artists initially hired to design the creatures and environments of Pandora. The journey lasted almost five years, from the very beginning of production to the end. From design he moved on to supervising the Virtual Art Department, creating the reqal-0tuime set pieces for the motion capture and virtual camera systems of the Volume, working closely with director James Cameron to create world that existed only in the computer. As production wrapped and moved into post, Yuri worked closely with vendors on the Visual Effects side to realize the full extent of the environments, creatures and graphics that the film required.

  • Patrick Baudisch is a professor in Computer Science at Hasso Plattner Institute in Berlin/Potsdam and chair of the Human Computer Interaction Lab. His research focuses on the miniaturization of mobile devices and touch input. Previously, Patrick Baudisch worked as a research scientist in the Adaptive Systems and Interaction Research Group at Microsoft Research and at Xerox PARC and served as an Affiliate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Washington. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany.

  • Dr. Dileep Bhandarkar joined Microsoft as a distinguished engineer responsible for server hardware architecture and standards for Global Foundation Services (GFS) in May 2007. He is currently chief architect for GFS responsible for the technology roadmap for the compute infrastructure for Microsoft’s online services. He was elected an IEEE Fellow in 1997 for contributions and technical leadership in the design of complex and reduced instruction set architecture and in computer system performance analysis.

    He has previously held senior technical and management positions at Intel Corporation, Digital Equipment Corporation, and Texas Instruments.

    Dr. Bhandarkar holds 16 U.S. Patents and has published more than 30 technical papers in various journals and conference proceedings. He is also the author of a book titled, Alpha Implementations and Architecture. In 1998, he was recognized as a Distinguished Alumnus of the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, where he received his B. Tech in Electrical Engineering in 1970. He also has an M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, and has done graduate work in Business Administration at the University of Dallas.

  • Tim Bicio, Chief Technology Officer for James Cameron’s Avatar, has been supporting technology and digital content in film since the early 90’s. In 2000, Tim was contracted by the Wachowski Brothers to build and manage a Digital Asset Management System, “Zion”, for the second and third installments of the Matrix trilogy. Zion cataloged everything from set designs to VFX finals. At the end of the project, the database contained roughly 60,000 records at 1.5 Terabytes of binary data. In 2005, with help from Microsoft Consulting Services, Tim was contracted to design and develop “Gaia,” Cameron’s Digital Asset Management System. Like Zion, Gaia’s initial core function was to securely archive and categorize digital assets as they are created through the course of production—for review, distribution, and use on future/related projects. In addition to the system’s core functions, Gaia was designed to manage digital operations on Cameron’s virtual production and live action stages. At the moment, Gaia contains nearly 1 million distinct assets at 90 Terabytes of binary data. Tim is presently working with Microsoft and Cameron’s team on the next generation of Gaia.

  • Judith Bishop is Director of Computer Science in External Research at Microsoft Research, Redmond, where she devises strategy and implements programs to create strong links between Microsoft’s research groups and universities globally. She represents Microsoft on ACM task forces and is actively involved in the CRA and IFIP. Her research expertise is in programming languages and distributed systems, with a strong practical bias and an interest in compilers and design patterns. She has more than 90 publications, including 15 books on programming languages that are available in six languages and read worldwide. Judith has a distinguished background in academia, having taught in the UK, Germany, Canada, Italy, and the United States, before joining Microsoft from the University of Pretoria, South Africa, in 2009. Judith serves frequently on international editorial, programme, and award committees, and has received numerous awards and distinctions, most recently the IFIP Outstanding Service Award in 2009 and the SA Computer Society Fellowship Award in 2008. She is a Fellow of the British Computer Society and the Royal Society of South Africa, among others.

  • Mark Bolas is an associate professor at the School of Cinematic Arts and the Institute for Creative Technology at USC. His work focuses on immersive experience design and embodied interface design with an emphasis on the consideration of the interplay between emotion, cognition, and perception. Mark is the Chairman of Fakespace Labs, has designed a number of tactile interface devices including early work on multi-user workbench and tabletop systems, and was the recipient of the IEEE 2005 award for Seminal Technical Achievement in Virtual & Augmented Reality by the Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee.

  • Dr. Cohoon works to understand and improve the gender composition of computing. She holds positions as Senior Research Scientist at the National Center for Women & IT (NCWIT) and as Assistant Professor of Science, Technology, and Society at the University of Virginia. Cohoon also serves as a member of the CRA-W Board, with responsibility for coordinating and enhancing project evaluation. Cohoon’s work at NCWIT involves the translation, application, dissemination, and evaluation of research findings about gender, education, technology, organizations, and inequality. Using perspectives and methods from sociology, she also conducts nationwide studies of recruitment and retention in computing at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Her results are reported in scholarly journals and an award-winning book, co-edited with William Aspray, from MIT Press, Women and Information Technology, Research on Underrepresentation.

  • Paul N. Courant is University Librarian and Dean of Libraries, Harold T. Shapiro Collegiate Professor of Public Policy, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, professor of economics and professor of information at the University of Michigan. From 2002 to 2005 he served as Provost and Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs, the chief academic officer and the chief budget officer of the University. He has also served as the Associate Provost for Academic and Budgetary Affairs, Chair of the Department of Economics and Director of the Institute of Public Policy Studies (which is now the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy). In 1979 and 1980 he was a senior staff economist at the Council of Economic Advisers.

    Courant has authored half a dozen books, and more than seventy papers covering a broad range of topics in economics and public policy, including tax policy, state and local economic development, gender differences in pay, housing, radon and public health, relationships between economic growth and environmental policy, and university budgeting systems. More recently, his academic work has considered the economics of universities, the economics of libraries and archives, and the effects of new information technologies and other disruptions on scholarship, scholarly publication, and academic libraries.

    Paul Courant holds a BA in History from Swarthmore College (1968); an MA in Economics from Princeton University (1973); and a PhD in Economics from Princeton University (1974).

  • Dr. Mercè Crosas is the director of product development for the Institute of Quantitative Social Science (IQSS) at Harvard University. Dr. Crosas first joined IQSS in 2004 (then referred to as the Harvard-MIT Data Center) as manager of the Dataverse Network project. The product development team at IQSS now includes the Dataverse Network project, the Murray Research Archive, and the statistical and web development projects (OpenScholar and Zelig). Before joining IQSS, she worked for five years in the educational software and biotech industry, initially as a software developer, and later as manager and director of IT and software development. Prior to that, she was at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics where she completed her doctoral thesis as a student fellow with the Atomic and Molecular Physics Institute, and afterwards she was a post-doctoral fellow, a researcher, and a software engineer with the Radioastronomy division. Dr. Crosas holds a PhD in Astrophysics from Rice University and graduated with a BS in Physics from the Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.

  • Christoph Csallner is an assistant professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). Before joining UTA, he worked for Google and Microsoft Research and received a PhD degree from Georgia Tech. He has received two Distinguished Paper Awards, the first one at the 2006 ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) and the second one at the 2007 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE).

  • Mary Czerwinski is a research area manager of the Visualization and Interaction for Business and Entertainment (VIBE) research group at Microsoft Research. The group is responsible for studying and designing advanced technology and interaction techniques that leverage human capabilities across a wide variety of input and output channels. Mary’s primary research areas include studying group awareness systems, information visualization, and task switching. Mary has been an affiliate assistant professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Washington, since 1996. She has also held positions at Compaq Computer Corporation, Rice University, Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Corporation, and Bell Communications Research. She received a PhD in cognitive psychology from Indiana University in Bloomington. Mary is active in the field of Human-Computer Interaction, publishing and participating in a wide number of conferences, professional venues, and journals.

  • Jonathan “Peli” de Halleux is a senior research software design engineer in the Research in Software Engineering group at Microsoft Research in Redmond, Washington, where he has been since October 2006 working on the Pex project. From 2004 to 2006, he worked in the Common Language Runtime (CLR) as a software design engineer in test in charge of the Just In Time compiler. Before joining Microsoft, he earned a PhD in Applied Mathematics from the Catholic University of Louvain. Earlier, he developed the unit testing framework MbUnit.

  • Robert DeLine is a principal researcher at Microsoft Research, working at the intersection of software engineering and human-computer interaction. His research group designs development tools in a user-centered fashion: they conduct studies of development teams to understand their work practice and prototype tools to improve that practice. Rob has a background in both HCI and software engineering. His master’s thesis was the first version of the Alice programming environment (University of Virginia, 1993), and his PhD was in software architecture (Carnegie Mellon University, 1999).

  • Rich DeMillo is distinguished professor of Computing and Management at Georgia Tech. From 2002 to 2009, he was the John P. Imlay Dean of Computing at Tech. He has held senior executive appointments at Hewlett-Packard, where he was the chief technology officer, Telcordia Technologies, where he was Vice President for Computing Research, and the National Science Foundation, where he directed the Computing Research Division. He has also been on the faculty of Purdue University, the University of Padua, and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. His current research focuses on computer security and on the future of higher education. His book, Abelard to Apple: The Fate of American Colleges and Universities in the 21st Century, will be published next year by MIT Press.

  • Carla Schlatter Ellis is a Professor Emerita of Computer Science at Duke University. She received her PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Washington, Seattle, in 1979. Before coming to Duke as an associate professor in 1986, she was a member of the Computer Science faculties at the University of Oregon, Eugene, from 1978 to 1980, and at the University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, from 1980 to 1986. She is currently a member of the CRA Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research (CRA-W). She previously served on the board of the Computing Research Association (CRA), as co-chair of the Academic Alliance of the National Center for Women & IT (NCWIT), as co-chair of CRA-W, and as Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Computing Systems. Her research interests are in operating systems, mobile/wireless computing, and sustainability as it applies to computing.

  • Steve Feiner is Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University, where he directs the Computer Graphics and User Interfaces Lab. Prof. Feiner is coauthor of Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice and of Introduction to Computer Graphics, received an ONR Young Investigator Award, and together with his students, has won best paper awards at ACM UIST, ACM CHI, ACM VRST, and IEEE ISMAR. His lab created the first mobile augmented reality system using a see-through display in 1996, and pioneered applications of augmented reality to fields such as tourism, journalism, maintenance, and construction. In recent years, Prof. Feiner has been general chair or co-chair for ACM VRST 2008 (15th Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology), INTETAIN 2008 (Second International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment), and ACM UIST 2004 (17th Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology); and doctoral symposium chair for ACM UIST 2009 and 2010.

  • Anthony Finkelstein is professor of Software Systems Engineering at University College London (UCL), a leading UK research university. He is a visiting professor at Imperial College London and at the National Institute for Informatics, Tokyo, Japan. He is currently Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences. He has published more than 220 scientific papers He is a Fellow of both the Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET) and the British Computer Society (BCS). In 2010 he received a special “outstanding contribution” award from the International Conference on Software Engineering. In 2009, he received the Oliver Lodge Medal of the IET for achievement in Information Technology. He has been recognised for his contributions to the field of requirements engineering and for his professional service by the IEEE. He was a winner of the International Conference on Software Engineering “most influential paper” prize for work on “viewpoints” and a winner of the Requirements Engineering “most influential paper” prize for work on traceability. He was a member of the winning team of the first Times Higher Education Research Project of the Year. He has served on numerous editorial boards including that of ACM TOSEM and IEEE TSE, and was founder editor of Automated Software Engineering. He also chaired numerous international meetings and was General Chair of the International Conference on Software Engineering. He has provided consultancy advice to a very large number of high profile companies and government organisations. He has established three successful “spinout” companies providing respectively professional services, product software, and an innovative software service.

  • Danyel Fisher is a researcher in Microsoft Research Redmond’s Computer-Supported Collaboration and Visualization research group. He joined Microsoft Research in 2004 and has since worked on visualizations that help us understand how people talk to each other, how servers are running, and how people use websites. He got his Ph.D. from the University of California, Irvine, in 2004 and his master’s degree from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2000.

  • Andrew Fitzgibbon is a senior researcher at Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK. His research interests are in the intersection of computer vision and computer graphics, with excursions into neuroscience. Recent papers have been on the recovery of 3D geometry from 2D images, general-purpose camera calibration, human 3D perception, and the application of natural image statistics to problems of figure/ground separation and new-view synthesis.

    He has twice received the IEEE’s Marr Prize, the highest in computer vision; and software he wrote won an Engineering Emmy Award in 2002 for significant contributions to the creation of complex visual effects.

    He studied Mathematics and Computer Science at University College Cork, and received his PhD from Edinburgh University in 1997. Until June 2005 he held a Royal Society University Research Fellowship at Oxford University’s Department of Engineering Science.

  • Jeffrey Friedberg is chief trust architect for Microsoft. He drives the End to End Trust initiative, which seeks to create a safer, more trusted Internet. This effort includes investigating ways to make privacy and security features more usable for consumers and businesses. He speaks publicly on strategies for reducing Internet threats such as identity theft and has testified before congress on protecting users from spyware. He co-authored the Microsoft Privacy Standard for Development and was responsible for Windows Privacy. Previously at Microsoft he focused on privacy and legal issues relating to the Windows Media Platform and was a group program manager for Microsoft’s graphics software. He has more than 25 years of software development experience and has delivered products that range from graphics supercomputers used in medical imaging to next generation gaming devices. As VP of Engineering at Silicon Gaming, he helped launch an IPO and chaired the Gaming Manufacturers Association. At Digital Equipment Corporation, he co-architected the industry standard 3D graphics extensions for the MIT X Window System. In addition to being a Certified Information Privacy Professional, he has a formal background in Computer Graphics and a B.S. degree in Computer Science from Cornell University.

  • Prof. Wolfgang Gentzsch is Dissemination Advisor for the DEISA Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications, and a member at large of the board of directors of the Open Grid Forum. Until recently, he was an adjunct professor of computer science at Duke University in Durham, and a visiting scientist at RENCI Renaissance Computing Institute at UNC Chapel Hill, both in North Carolina.

    From 2005 to 2008, Dr. Gentzsch was the Chairman of the German D-Grid Initiative; Vice Chair of the e-Infrastructure Reflection Group e-IRG; Area Director of Major Grid Projects of the OGF Open Grid Forum Steering Group; and a member of the U.S. President’s Council of Advisors for Science and Technology (PCAST).

    Before, he was Managing Director of the MCNC Grid and Data Center Services in North Carolina; Sun’s Senior Director of Grid Computing in Menlo Park, CA; President, CEO, and CTO of HPC software companies Genias and Gridware, and a professor of mathematics and computer science at the University of Applied Sciences in Regensburg, Germany. Wolfgang Gentzsch studied mathematics and physics at the Technical Universities in Aachen and Darmstadt, Germany.

  • Saul Greenberg is a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Calgary. He holds the NSERC/iCORE/Smart Technologies Industrial Chair in Interactive Technologies, and a University Professorship – a distinguished University of Calgary award recognizing research excellence. He received the CHCCS Achievement award in May 2007, and was also elected to the prestigious ACM CHI Academy in April 2005 for his overall contributions to the field of Human Computer Interaction.

    While he is a computer scientist by training, the work by Saul and his talented students typify the cross-discipline aspects of Human Computer Interaction, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, and Ubiquitous Computing. His many research contributions are bound by the common thread of situated interaction, which considers how computer technology fits within the fabric of people’s day to day activities. This includes how such technology blends naturally in the flow of people’s work practices, how people socialize and work together through technology, and how that technology fits within people’s physical environment.

    Dr. Greenberg is a prolific author (he is listed as the sixth most frequent author in the HCI Bibliography) with a high impact factor (his uncorrected H-number is 45). He has authored and edited several books and published many refereed articles. He is also known for his strong commitment in making his tools, systems, and educational material readily available to other researchers and educators.

  • Jeffrey Heer is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University, where he works on human-computer interaction, visualization, and social computing. His research investigates the perceptual, cognitive, and social factors involved in making sense of large data collections, resulting in new interactive systems for visual analysis and communication.

    Heer’s work has produced novel visualization techniques for exploring data, software tools that simplify visualization creation and customization, and collaborative analysis systems that leverage the insights of multiple analysts. He has also led the design of the Prefuse, Flare, and Protovis open-source visualization toolkits, which have been downloaded over 100,000 times; cited in over 500 research publications; and used by researchers, corporations, and thousands of data enthusiasts.

    Heer received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley. Over the years, he has also worked at a number of research laboratories and corporations, including Xerox PARC, IBM Research, Microsoft Research, and Tableau Software. Heer is the recipient of the 2009 ACM CHI Best Paper Award, Faculty Awards from IBM and Intel, UC Berkeley’s C.V. Ramamoorthy Distinguished Research Award, and in 2009 was named to MIT Technology Review’s TR35, a list recognizing 35 innovators under the age of 35.

  • As Corporate Vice President of the External Research Division of Microsoft Research, Tony Hey is responsible for the worldwide external research and technical computing strategy across Microsoft Corporation. He leads the company’s efforts to build long-term public-private partnerships with global scientific and engineering communities, spanning broad reach and in-depth engagements with academic and research institutions, related government agencies and industry partners. His responsibilities also include working with internal Microsoft groups to build future technologies and products that will transform computing for scientific and engineering research. Hey also oversees Microsoft Research’s efforts to enhance the quality of higher education around the world.

    Before joining Microsoft, Hey served as director of the U.K.’s e-Science Initiative, managing the government’s efforts to provide scientists and researchers with access to key computing technologies. Before leading this initiative, Hey worked as Head of the School of Electronics and Computer Science; and, Dean of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Southampton, where he helped build the department into one of the most respected computer science research institutions in England.

    His research interests focus on parallel programming for parallel systems built from mainstream commodity components. With Jack Dongarra, Rolf Hempel and David Walker, he wrote the first draft of a specification for a new message-passing standard called MPI. This initiated the process that led to the successful MPI standard of today.

    Hey is a fellow of the U.K.’s Royal Academy of Engineering. He also has served on several national committees in the U.K., including committees of the U.K. Department of Trade and Industry and the Office of Science and Technology. He was a member of the British Computer Society, the Institute of Engineering and Technology, and the Institute of Physics.

    Tony Hey also has a passionate interest in communicating the excitement of science to young people. He has written ‘popular’ books on quantum mechanics and on relativity.

    Hey is a graduate of Oxford University, with both an undergraduate degree in physics and a doctorate in theoretical physics.

  • Ken Hinckley is a research scientist at Microsoft Research. He has published widely on input devices and interaction techniques. The basic thrust of his research is to enhance the input vocabulary that one can express using common computational devices and user interfaces.

  • Scott Hudson is a professor in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute within the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University where he was until recently the founding director of the HCII PhD program. Elected to the CHI Academy in 2006, he has published extensively on technology-oriented HCI topics. He has regularly served on program committees for the ACM SIGCHI and UIST conferences, and served as the papers co-chair for the SIGCHI 2009 and 2010 conferences.

  • Galen Hunt is Principal Researcher of the Microsoft Research Operating Systems Group. He joined Microsoft Research in 1997, where he has stayed, except for a two and one-half-year sabbatical, in the Windows Server Division. Galen’s more successful past efforts include Menlo, Singularity, Detours, and the first prototype of Windows Media Player and its networking protocols. Galen’s less successful efforts include graduate work in Distributed Shared Memory and building a distributed version of the CLR in 1999. He has shipped bugs in Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Automated Deployment Services. Galen holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Rochester (where he contributed to GCC 2.1), a BS in Physics from the University of Utah (where he contributed to Linux 0.11), and more than 50 patents. Before graduate school, Galen worked at a startup firm reverse engineering file formats for tax programs. Aside from systems research, Galen enjoys spending time with his wife, daughter, and son.

  • Nadine Kano is a 21-year Microsoft veteran with a broad technical, business development, and communications background. She is a senior director of Solution Management in Microsoft’s Information Technology Group, working with a team responsible for driving adoption of Windows Azure, Microsoft’s cloud computing platform. Prior to joining Microsoft IT, she served as Senior Director of Product Marketing in Microsoft’s OEM Division, responsible for co-marketing programs to promote sales of new PCs. From 2000 through 2006, Kano served as the Director of Executive Communications for the head of the Windows Division, where she formalized a relationship with James Cameron to build the “Gaia” Digital Asset Management system used in making Avatar. Kano’s other roles at Microsoft have included software development, technical evangelism, event marketing, and business development. Kano graduated from Princeton University with a BSE in Computer Science in 1989 and received her MBA from Stanford University while working part-time for Microsoft in 1998.

  • Michael A. Keller is Stanford’s University Librarian, director of Academic Information Resources, founder/publisher of HighWire Press, and publisher of the Stanford University Press.

    Educated at Hamilton College (biology and music), SUNY/Buffalo (musicology), and SUNY/Geneseo (librarianship), he has led libraries at Cornell, UC/Berkeley, Yale, and Stanford. Keller’s board service includes Hamilton College, Long Now Foundation, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Japan’s National Institute for Informatics, and National Library of China. Keller is a guest professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Senior Presidential Fellow of the Council on Library and Information Resources, 2008 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and 2010 Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

    He has served as advisor and consultant to numerous scientific and scholarly societies; the city of Ferrara, Italy; Newsweek magazine; Princeton and Indiana Universities; the National Library of China; the National Institute for Informatics of Japan; the Library at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; and the National Library of Israel. During his watch at Stanford, numerous innovative exploitations based on the cascade of information technology innovations and the Internet arose and are still flourishing including: HighWire Press; LOCKSS/CLOCKSS; CourseWork (Sakai); the GATT Digital Archive; the Stanford Digital Repository; and the Matthew Parker Online Library project at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge University.

    He was a founder, as well as president and chairman, of the Digital Library Federation. Keller is Stanford’s principal on the Google Book Search project. He delivered a Siemens Stiftung Lecture in March of 2008 entitled, “The Future of Books, Libraries, and Publishing.”

  • Yousef Khalidi is a distinguished engineer in the Windows Azure team. Windows Azure is a platform for developing, deploying, managing, and hosting cloud-based Web services. Khalidi is responsible for several aspects of the platform, centered on the goal of building a low-cost, automated, large-scale computing system, using commodity hardware, with efficiently managed shared resources. Before Windows Azure, Khalidi led an advanced development team in Windows that tackled a number of related operating system areas, including application model, resource management, and isolation. He also served as a member of the Windows Core Architecture group.

    Before joining Microsoft, Khalidi was a distinguished engineer at Sun Microsystems. During his 14 years tenure at Sun, he held several development, architecture, and management positions in Sun’s software division as well as in Sun Labs. Khalidi was Chief Technology Officer and Chief Architect of Solaris, Chief Architect and Director of the Sun Cluster product line, Chief Architect of Sun’s N1 utility computing initiative, as well as a principal architect of Solaris MC and Spring operating systems. He shipped several releases of Sun Cluster and the Solaris operating system, and hasworked on system management software, high speed networking, and memory management hardware designs.

    Khalidi has published works in several areas, including operating systems, high availability, distributed systems, object-oriented software, high speed networking, memory management, and computer architecture. He holds 30 patents in these areas. Khalidi has a Ph.D. and a Master of Science in Information and Computer Science from Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) in Atlanta, Georgia.

  • James Larus is Director of Research and Strategy for the eXtreme Computing Group (XCG) in Microsoft Research.

    Larus has been an active contributor to the programming languages, compiler, and computer architecture communities. He has published many papers and served on numerous program committees and NSF and NRC panels. Larus became an ACM Fellow in 2006.

    Larus joined Microsoft Research as a Senior Researcher in 1998 to start and, for five years, led the Software Productivity Tools (SPT) group, which developed and applied a variety of innovative techniques in static program analysis and constructed tools that found defects (bugs) in software. This group’s research has both had considerable impact on the research community, as well as being shipped in Microsoft products such as the Static Driver Verifier and FX/Cop and other, widely-used internal software development tools. Larus then became the Research Area Manager for programming languages and tools and started the Singularity research project, which demonstrated that modern programming languages and software engineering techniques could fundamentally improve software architectures.

    Before joining Microsoft, Larus was an Assistant and Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he published approximately 60 research papers and co-led the Wisconsin Wind Tunnel (WWT) research project with Professors Mark Hill and David Wood. WWT was a DARPA and NSF-funded project investigated new approaches to simulating, building, and programming parallel shared-memory computers. Larus’s research spanned a number of areas: including new and efficient techniques for measuring and recording executing programs’ behavior, tools for analyzing and manipulating compiled and linked programs, programming languages for parallel computing, tools for verifying program correctness, and techniques for compiler analysis and optimization.

    Larus received his MS and PhD in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley in 1989, and an AB in Applied Mathematics from Harvard in 1980. At Berkeley, Larus developed one of the first systems to analyze Lisp programs and determine how to best execute them on a parallel computer.

  • Ed Lazowska holds the Bill & Melinda Gates Chair in Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington. Lazowska’s research and teaching concern the design, implementation, and analysis of high-performance computing and communication systems. Current work includes directing the University of Washington eScience Institute, and chairing the Computing Community Consortium. In 2003 he co-chaired the President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee. In 2005 he received the ACM Presidential Award “for showing us how to advocate effectively for IT research and advanced education” and in 2009 the ACM Distinguished Service Award “for more than two decades of wide-ranging and tireless service to the computing community, especially in advocacy at a national level.”

  • Johnny Chung Lee is a researcher in the Microsoft Applied Sciences group and explores novel input and output devices that can improve interaction with computing technology. His main responsibilities include advising the direction of existing hardware product lines and developing prototypes that may be developed into new products.

    Lee joined Microsoft in June 2008 after graduating with a doctoral degree in human-computer interaction from Carnegie Mellon University. His research work spans a variety of topics including projection technology, multitouch input, augmented reality, brain-computer interfaces, and haptics. Lee is best known for his video tutorials on using the Nintendo Wii remote to create low-cost whiteboards and virtual reality displays, which have garnered more than 10 million views. In 2008, he was named to the prestigious TR35 list presented by Technology Review magazine to recognize the top 35 researchers in the world under the age of 35.

  • Ben Liblit is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Sciences Department of the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Professor Liblit’s research interests include programming languages and software engineering generally, with particular emphasis on combining machine learning with static and dynamic analysis for program understanding and debugging.

    Professor Liblit worked as a professional software engineer for four years before beginning graduate study. His experience has inspired a research style that emphasizes practical, best-effort techniques that cope with the ugly complexities of real-world software development. Professor Liblit completed his PhD in 2004 at UC Berkeley with advisor Alex Aiken, and received the 2005 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award for his work on post-deployment statistical debugging.

  • Jimmy Lin is an associate professor in the iSchool at the University of Maryland and directs the newly-formed Cloud Computing Center there. Dr. Lin’s research lies at the intersection of information retrieval and natural language processing. He graduated with a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT in 2004.

  • Steven E. Lucco is a Distinguished Engineer who co-founded the Microsoft Connected Systems Division and who has played a key role in developing the technical strategy and architecture for Microsoft’s application platform, including the Windows Communication Foundation, which shipped in 2006. He continues to work within CSD on the goal of making distributed systems programming tractable.

    As a development lead and architect at Microsoft, Lucco built a team that designed and prototyped a secure, common-language runtime. This team joined with the JavaVM team at Microsoft and played a key role in the design and implementation of the Microsoft Common Language Runtime. As a senior researcher at Microsoft, Lucco published widely-cited articles on virtual machine design and implementation.

    Before he joined Microsoft, Lucco co-founded Colusa Software in 1993 and served as its technical leader until it was acquired by Microsoft in 1996. Colusa shipped to customers including Tandem and IBM a cross-language virtual machine that provided secure execution of both strongly-typed (Java, C#) and weakly-typed (C++) programs.

    Lucco received a PhD from UC Berkeley in 1994 where he pursued research interests in programming language design and implementation, natural language understanding, and runtime systems for multi-core processors. Lucco has also pursued these interests as an undergraduate at Yale, a researcher at Bell Labs and a faculty member at Carnegie Mellon University.

  • Dr Liz Lyon is the Director of UKOLN at the University of Bath UK, where she leads work to promote synergies between digital libraries and open science environments. She is Associate Director of the UK Digital Curation Centre, in which UKOLN is a partner. She is also author of a number of major direction-setting reports, including Open Science at Web-Scale: Optimising Participation and Predictive Potential (2009), Scaling Up (2008), and Dealing with Data (2007). These reports have been informed by a series of pioneering research data management projects: eBank UK, eCrystals Federation, and Infrastructure for Integration in Structural Sciences (I2S2), all of which have explored links between research data, scholarly communications, and learning in the chemical crystallography domain. Liz Lyon has a doctorate in cellular biochemistry and has also worked in various university libraries.

  • As Vice President of Production and Development for Giant Studios, Matt Madden is responsible for all aspects of the production pipeline, a responsibility he has had since co-launching the studio in 1999. Widely recognized and acknowledged to be the industry leader in Performance Capture-based technology and Virtual Production services, Madden and his team were recognized in 2005 with a Technical Achievement Academy Award. He is currently in production on DreamWorks Studios’ Real Steel as virtual production supervisor. Madden most recently served as Performance Capture supervisor on Avatar and digital production supervisor on the upcoming Steven Spielberg/Peter Jackson feature Tintin. Other credits as motion capture supervisor include The Polar Express, Night at the Museum, The Day After Tomorrow, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, and King Kon. Madden began his long-time association with director Peter Jackson while serving as motion capture consultant on The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

  • Tara McPherson is associate professor of Gender and Critical Studies at the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts. Her Reconstructing Dixie: Race, Gender and Nostalgia in the Imagined South (Duke UP: 2003) received the 2004 John G. Cawelti Award for the outstanding book published on American Culture, among other awards. She is co-editor of Hop on Pop: The Politics and Pleasures of Popular Culture (Duke UP: 2003) and editor of Digital Youth, Innovation and the Unexpected, part of the MacArthur Foundation series on Digital Media and Learning (MIT Press, 2008.) Her writing has appeared in numerous journals, including Camera Obscura, The Velvet Light Trap, Discourse, and Screen, and in edited anthologies such as Race and Cyberspace, The New Media Book, The Object Reader, Virtual Publics, The Visual Culture Reader 2.0, and Basketball Jones. The anthology, Interactive Frictions, co-edited with Marsha Kinder, is forthcoming from the University of California Press, and she is currently working on a manuscript on the cultural and racial logics of code. Her new media research focuses on issues of convergence, gender, and race, as well as upon the development of new tools and paradigms for digital publishing, learning, and authorship.

    She is the founding editor of Vectors a multimedia peer-reviewed journal affiliated with the Open Humanities Press, and is one of three editors for the new MacArthur-supported International Journal of Learning and Media (launched by MIT Press in 2009.) Tara was among the founding organizers of Race in Digital Space, a multi-year project supported by the Annenberg Center for Communication and the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations. She is on the advisory board of the Mellon-funded Scholarly Communications Institute, is a member of the Academic Advisory Board of The Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Archives, has frequently served as an AFI juror, is a core board member of HASTAC , and is on the boards of several journals. At USC, she co-directs (with Phil Ethington) the new Center for Transformative Scholarship and is a fellow at the Center for Excellence in Teaching. With major support from the Mellon Foundation, she is currently working with colleagues from Brown, NYU, Rochester, and UC San Diego and with several academic presses and archives to explore new modes of scholarship for visual culture research.

  • Michael Medlock is a senior experience researcher in the Entertainment Experience Group at Microsoft. He has 13 years of industry experience researching the commercialization of cutting edge technology into products. He has worked on more than 60 game titles, about half of which have not seen the light of day. Of the ones that have shipped, a number have been successful Xbox and PC games, such as Project Gotham Racing, Age of Empires II, Dungeon Siege, Crimson Skies, Flight Simulator, and Top Spin. He has also worked on UI’s for Kinect (Air Gesture + Voice), Windows Phone 6.0–7.0 (Touch), Internet Explorer, and internal HR business systems for Microsoft. He has documented and evangelized the Rapid Iterative Testing and Evaluation method (RITE), which is used broadly in the usability community and is currently being taught in a number of HCI programs around the world.

  • Dr. Mercer has a background in zoology and has worked in various aspects of bioinformatics over the years. Having managed the development of the Canadian Bioinformatics Resource, a national life science service-provision network in Canada, he worked as Director of Software Engineering at Gene Codes Corporation before moving to the External Research team of Microsoft Research. In his current role as Director of Health and Wellbeing, he manages collaborations between Microsoft and academia in the area of healthcare research. Dr. Mercer’s interests include bioinformatics, translational medicine, and the management of scientific data.

  • William Michener is professor and director of e-Science Initiatives for University Libraries at the University of New Mexico. He has authored four books related to ecological informatics and more than 70 journal articles and book chapters. He is a Certified Senior Ecologist and serves as editor of Ecological Archives and associate editor of the International Journal of Ecological Informatics. He has directed several large interdisciplinary research programs including the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Biocomplexity Program, the Development Program for the U.S. Long-Term Ecological Research Network, and numerous cyberinfrastructure research and development projects. His current efforts focus on developing information technologies for the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences through DataONE—a large, multi-institutional, international research project funded by NSF.

  • As principal researcher at Microsoft Research Cambridge (MSRC), Natasa Milic-Frayling is setting research directions for Integrated Systems group, focusing on the design, prototyping, and evaluation of information and communication systems and services. She also serves as Director of Research Partnership with industry, the MSRC programme that she started in 2004 to facilitate collaboration between Microsoft Research, Microsoft teams across Europe, the Middle East, and Asia; and Microsoft clients and partners.

    The programme reaches out to leading industry organizations who wish to exchange knowledge and experience in specific areas of research and collaborate on tackling strategic problems. As a result MSRC works with consortia of partners on the EU sponsored project PLANETS, focused on long term preservation of digital content, and the CFMS programme looking at rich context of engineering workflows and ways to capture and disseminate knowledge and best practices

    Natasa joined Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK in 1998. She received her Doctorate in Applied Mathematics from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA in 1988. Prior to joining Microsoft Research, she worked at Claritech Corporation (currently JustSystems Evans Research), a spin-off company from Carnegie-Mellon University, acquired by the Justsystem Corporation of Japan in 1996. There she served as Director of Research.

    Natasa is actively involved with a wider research and academic community. She is publishing at academic conferences, co-organizing academic and industry events, and promoting research and innovation through public speaking and engagements.

  • Ade Miller is currently the development manager for Microsoft’s patterns & practices group (p&p) where he manages several agile teams. His primary interests are parallel computing and in improving the way people develop software. He is current writing a book on design patterns for parallel programming.

    Prior to leading the p&p development team, Ade led the development of the p&p Web Services Software Factory: Modeling Edition. Before joining p&p, he was a developer and then a development lead on Visual Studio Tools for Office.

    Prior to joining Microsoft, Ade worked on a variety of interesting projects including a web start-up, embedded languages, and High Performance Computing (HPC). Ade is a regular speaker and also blogs and writes about his experiences. Ade received his BSc and PhD in Physics from the University of Southampton, UK.

  • Dan Morris is a researcher in the Computational User Experiences group at Microsoft Research; his work focuses on novel input devices, patient-facing technology for medical environments, and computer support for music and creativity.

    Morris studied neurobiology as an undergraduate at Brown University, and developed brain-computer interfaces first at Brown and later as an engineer at Cyberkinetics, Inc. His PhD thesis at Stanford University focused on haptic rendering and physical simulation for virtual surgery, and his work since coming to Microsoft Research (in 2006) has included using physiological signals for input systems, generating automatic accompaniment for sung melodies, and designing patient-centric information displays for hospitals.

  • James L. Mullins has been Dean of Libraries and Professor of Library Science since 2004 when he came from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Libraries where he was associate director for administration. His more than 30-year career includes administrative positions at Villanova University and Indiana University. He earned BA and MALS degrees from the University of Iowa and the PhD from Indiana University.

    Dr. Mullins has served in leadership positions within the American Library Association (ALA) and the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), and presently is an elected member of the ARL board of directors and is chair of the e-Science Working Group. Presently, he serves on the editorial board of College and Research Libraries, the premier journal in the field. He is also on the board of directors of the International Association of Scientific and Technological University Libraries (IATUL), Center for Research Libraries (CRL), and a delegate to the Science and Technology Section of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA). Purdue was host to the 2010 IATUL Conference in June which focused on the role of libraries in e-science. He was a signatory to the formation of DataCite in December 2009, the international consortium to assign digital object identifiers (DOI) to datasets for citation.

    Dr. Mullins is a frequent contributor to the professional literature, speaks at national and international conferences, and consults with research libraries and universities internationally on challenges facing research communication and dissemination. He has served on NSF panels including one in 2006 recommending that data management plans be required for NSF research funding.

  • Moni Naor is a professor of computer science at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. He was born, raised and educated in Haifa, Israel. He received his B.A. in computer science from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, in 1985, and his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of California at Berkeley in 1989. He has been with the IBM Almaden Research Center from 1989 to 1993. In 1993, he joined the Department of Computer Science and Applied Math of the Weizmann Institute of Science, where he is currently the Judith Kleeman Professorial chair.

    He works in various fields of computer science, mainly the foundations of cryptography. He was named an IACR fellow in 2008.

    His main research interests include Cryptography, Computational and Concrete Complexity.

  • Michael L. Nelson is an associate professor of computer science at Old Dominion University. Prior to joining ODU, he worked at NASA Langley Research Center from 1991 to 2002. He is a co-editor of the OAI-PMH and OAI-ORE specifications and is a 2007 recipient of an NSF CAREER award. He has developed many digital libraries, including the NASA Technical Report Server. His research interests include repository-object interaction and alternative approaches to digital preservation.

  • Ed Nightingale is a researcher on the operating systems group at Microsoft Research. He enjoys working on just about anything related to systems research. Lately, that has involved OS support for new memory technologies, such as Phase Change Memory, data mining, heterogeneous hardware architectures, and large-scale storage systems.

  • Andrew Phelps is the Chair of the Department of Interactive Games & Media at the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, New York. He is the co-founder of the Masters of Science in Game Design & Development within the B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences, as well as the Bachelors of the same name, and his work in games education has been featured in The New York Times, CNN.com, USA Today, National Public Radio, IEEE Computer, and several other articles and periodicals. He regularly publishes academic work exploring collaborative game engines and game engine technology. As a professor at the institute, he teaches courses in multimedia programming, game engine development, 2D and 3D graphics, media design, and interactivity. His primary research interests include online games, electronic entertainment, three-dimensional graphics and real time rendering, virtual reality, and interactive worlds. Read more about the department.

  • As senior vice president, Richard (Rick) F. Rashid oversees worldwide operations for Microsoft Research, an organization encompassing more than 850 researchers across six labs worldwide. Under Rashid’s leadership, Microsoft Research conducts both basic and applied research across disciplines that include algorithms and theory; human-computer interaction; machine learning; multimedia and graphics; search; security; social computing; and systems, architecture, mobility and networking. His team collaborates with the world’s foremost researchers in academia, industry and government on initiatives to advance the state-of-the-art of computing and to help ensure the future of Microsoft’s products.

    After joining Microsoft in September 1991, Rashid served as director and vice president of the Microsoft Research division and was promoted to his current role in 2000. In his earlier roles, Rashid led research efforts on operating systems, networking and multiprocessors, and authored patents in such areas as data compression, networking and operating systems. He managed projects that catalyzed the development of Microsoft’s interactive TV system and also directed Microsoft’s first e-commerce group. Rashid was the driving force behind the creation of the team that later developed into Microsoft’s Digital Media Division.

    Before joining Microsoft, Rashid was professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). As a faculty member, he directed the design and implementation of several influential network operating systems and published extensively about computer vision, operating systems, network protocols and communications security. During his tenure, Rashid developed the Mach multiprocessor operating system, which has been influential in the design of modern operating systems and remains at the core of several commercial systems.

    Rashid’s research interests have focused on artificial intelligence, operating systems, networking and multiprocessors. He has participated in the design and implementation of the University of Rochester’s Rochester Intelligent Gateway operating system, the Rochester Virtual Terminal Management System, the CMU Distributed Sensor Network Testbed, and CMU’s SPICE distributed personal computing environment. He also co-developed of one of the earliest networked computer games, “Alto Trek,” during the mid-1970s.

    Rashid was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering in 2003 and presented with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Emanuel R. Piore Award and the SIGOPS Hall of Fame Award in 2008. He was also inducted into the American Academy of Arts & Sciences in 2008. In addition, Rashid is a member of the National Science Foundation Computer Directorate Advisory Committee and a past member of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency UNIX Steering Committee and the Computer Science Network Executive Committee. He is also a former chairman of the Association for Computing Machinery Software System Awards Committee.

    Rashid received master of science (1977) and doctoral (1980) degrees in computer science from the University of Rochester. He graduated with honors in mathematics and comparative literature from Stanford University in 1974.

  • Amit Ray is Associate Professor in the Department of English, College of Liberal Arts, at the Rochester Institute of Technology. He received his Ph.D. in Language and Literature from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where he specialized in postcolonial studies, working primarily with Simon Gikandi and Aamir Mufti. Dr. Ray’s first book, Negotiating the Modern (Routledge, 2007) explores the development of South Asian Orientalism and its impact upon European and Indian modernity.

    He began working with wikis in 2004, initially examining their pedagogical possibilities in his teaching. He is currently working on a book project entitled “Writing Babel: Wikis, Authorship and Authority in the Public Sphere” that explores how the collaborative authoring environment of wikis impact the public sphere by challenging long-standing notions of authorship, authority, credit, and expertise. In particular, Dr. Ray investigates how distributed models of textuality present alternatives to copyright and proprietary media models, test government and corporate secrecy, provide for new models of distributed expertise, and generate novel opportunities for cross-cultural, trans-linguistic translation, dialogue, and debate.

  • George Robertson is an ACM Fellow, a member of the CHI Academy, and a principal researcher at Microsoft Research, where he leads an information visualization research group. Before coming to Microsoft, he was a principal scientist at Xerox PARC, working on 3D interactive animation interfaces for intelligent information access. He was the architect of the Information Visualizer. He has also been a senior scientist at Thinking Machines, a senior scientist at Bolt Beranek and Newman, and a faculty member of the Computer Science Department at Carnegie-Mellon University. In the past, he has made significant contributions to machine learning, multimedia message systems, hypertext systems, operating systems, and programming languages. Robertson serves on the advisory board of the Department of Homeland Security National Visualization and Analytics Center. He is an associate editor for the journal, Information Visualization. He served on the Information Visualization Steering Committee from 1995 to 2009. He chaired UIST’97 and InfoVis 2004.

  • Dr. Rudnicky’s research has spanned many aspects of spoken language, including knowledge-based recognition systems, language modeling, architectures for spoken language systems, multi-modal interaction, the design of speech interfaces, and the rapid prototyping of speech-to-speech translation systems. Dr. Rudnicky has been active in research into spoken dialog, and has made contributions to dialog management, language generation, and the computation of confidence metrics for recognition and understanding. His recent interests include the automatic creation of summaries from event streams, automated meeting understanding and summarization, and language-based human-robot communication. Dr. Rudnicky is currently a principal systems scientist in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University and is on the faculty of its Language Technologies Institute.

  • Roland Saekow received his bachelor’s degree in Science, Technology, and Society through the Interdisciplinary Field Studies program at the University of California, Berkeley. His thesis, titled The Transforming Role of Timelines in the Study of History, investigated the educational utility of online timelines against their traditional counterparts found in textbooks.

    At Berkeley, Roland led the student-run product design team called “Berkeley Innovation.” Proudly wearing the team’s bright orange shirts (a color chosen to represent new ideas), he and his teammates sought out ways of improving student life through creativity techniques, brainstorming sessions and rapid prototyping. He was primarily involved with the eFlyer project, which used LCD panels on campus to provide information to students digitally without waste.

    He also taught a course on waste management, titled “The Joy of Garbage,” through the student-run democratic education program. The course investigated everything from the history of garbage, to its current state around the world, to the future of waste management.

    He is presently working on bringing the ChronoZoom project to life: An online, zoomable timeline that aims to make time relationships between different studies of history clear and vivid—everything from the big bang to the present.

  • Lucy Sanders is CEO and co-founder of the National Center for Women & Information Technology and also serves as Executive-in-Residence for the ATLAS Institute at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

    She has more than 20 years of experience in industry, having worked in R&D and executive positions at AT&T Bell Labs, Lucent Bell Labs, and Avaya Labs, where she specialized in systems-level software and solutions (multi-media communication and customer relationship management.) In 1996, Lucy was awarded the Bell Labs Fellow Award, the highest technical accomplishment bestowed at the company, and she has six patents in the communications technology area.

    Lucy serves on several boards, including the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) Board of Trustees at the University of California at Berkeley; the Engineering Advisory Council at the University of Colorado at Boulder; the National Girls Collaborative Project Advisory Board; the Advisory Board for the Women’s College Applied Computing Program at the University of Denver; the ATLAS Advisory Board; and several corporate boards. She is a member of the ACM nominating committee and the ACM-W Advisory Board.

    In 2004, Lucy was awarded the Distinguished Alumni Award from the Department of Engineering at CU and in 2007, she was inducted into the Women in Technology International (WITI) Hall of Fame. Lucy has served as Conference Chair and Program Chair for the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, as well as the Information Technology Research and Development Ecosystem Commission for the National Academies. In 2009, she was recognized as a Microsoft Community Partner.

    Lucy received her BS and MS in Computer Science from Louisiana State University and the University of Colorado at Boulder, respectively.

  • Prior to starting Schell Games in 2004, Jesse was the Creative Director of the Disney Imagineering Virtual Reality Studio, where he worked and played for seven years as designer, programmer, and manager on several projects for Disney theme parks and DisneyQuest, as well as on Toontown Online, the first massively multiplayer game for kids. Before that, he worked as writer, director, performer, juggler, comedian, and circus artist for both Freihofer’s Mime Circus and the Juggler’s Guild.

    Jesse is also on the faculty of the Entertainment Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon University where he teaches classes in Game Design and serves as advisor on several innovative projects. Formerly the Chairman of the International Game Developers Association, he is also the author of the award winning book, The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses. In 2004, he was named one of the world’s Top 100 Young Innovators by Technology Review, MIT’s magazine of innovation. His primary responsibility at Schell Games is to make sure everyone is having fun and creating beautiful things.

  • Ben Shneiderman is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and founding director (1983–2000) of the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory at the University of Maryland. He was elected as a Fellow of the Association for Computing (ACM) in 1997, a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 2001, and a Member of the National Academy of Engineering in 2010. He received the ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Achievement Award in 2001.

    Ben is the co-author with Catherine Plaisant of Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction (5th ed., 2010). With Stu Card and Jock Mackinlay, he co-authored Readings in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think (1999). With Ben Bederson, he co-authored The Craft of Information Visualization (2003). His book Leonardo’s Laptop (2002, MIT Press) won the IEEE book award for Distinguished Literary Contribution. His latest book, co-authored with Derek Hansen and Marc A. Smith, is Analyzing Social Media Networks with NodeXL and will be published in August 2010.

  • Harry Shum is the corporate vice president responsible for search product development at Microsoft Corporation. Previously, he oversaw the research activities at Microsoft Research Asia and the lab’s collaborations with universities in the Asia Pacific region, and was responsible for the Internet Services Research Center, an applied research organization dedicated to long-term and short-term technology investments in search and advertising at Microsoft.

    Shum joined Microsoft Research in 1996, as a researcher based in Redmond, Washington. He moved to Beijing as one of the founding members of Microsoft Research China (later renamed Microsoft Research Asia). There he began a nine-year tenure as a research manager, subsequently moving on to become assistant managing director, managing director of Microsoft Research Asia, Distinguished Engineer and corporate vice president.

    Shum is an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Fellow and an Association for Computing Machinery Fellow for his contributions on computer vision and computer graphics. He has published more than 100 papers about computer vision, computer graphics, pattern recognition, statistical learning and robotics. He holds more than 50 U.S. patents.

    Shum received a doctorate in robotics from the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. In his spare time he enjoys playing basketball, rooting for the Pittsburgh Steelers and spending time with his family.

  • A sociologist specializing in the social organization of online communities and computer mediated interaction, Marc Smith founded and managed the Community Technologies Group at Microsoft Research in Redmond, Washington, and led the development of social media reporting and analysis tools for Telligent Systems. Smith leads the Connected Action consulting group and lives and works in Silicon Valley, California. Smith co-founded the Social Media Research Foundation, a non-profit devoted to open tools, data, and scholarship related to social media research.

    Smith is the co-editor with Peter Kollock of Communities in Cyberspace (Routledge), a collection of essays exploring the ways identity; interaction and social order develop in online groups. Along with Derek Hansen and Ben Shneiderman, he is the co-author and editor of Analyzing Social Media Networks with NodeXL: Insights from a Connected World, forthcoming from Morgan-Kaufmann in July 2010, which is a guide to mapping connections created through computer-mediated interactions.

    Smith’s research focuses on computer-mediated collective action: the ways group dynamics change when they take place in and through social cyberspaces. Many “groups” in cyberspace produce public goods and organize themselves in the form of a commons (find related papers). Smith’s goal is to visualize these social cyberspaces, mapping and measuring their structure, dynamics and life cycles. At Microsoft, he developed the “Netscan” web application and data mining engine that allows researchers studying Usenet newsgroups and related repositories of threaded conversations to get reports on the rates of posting, posters, crossposting, thread length, and frequency distributions of activity. Smith applied this work to the development of a generalized community analysis platform for Telligent, providing a web-based system for groups of all sizes to discuss and publish their material to the web and analyze the emergent trends that result. He contributes to the open and free NodeXL project that adds social network analysis features to the familiar Excel spreadsheet. A tutorial on social network analysis is evolving into a book and is freely available. NodeXL enables social network analysis of email, Twitter, Flickr, www, Facebook, and other network data sets.

    The Connected Action consulting group applies social science methods in general and social network analysis techniques in particular to enterprise and Internet social media usage. SNA analysis of data from message boards, blogs, wikis, friend networks, and shared file systems can reveal insights into organizations and processes. Community managers can gain actionable insights into the volumes of community content created in their social media repositories. Mobile social software applications can visualize patterns of association that are otherwise invisible.

    Smith received a B.S. in International Area Studies from Drexel University in Philadelphia in 1988, an M.Phil. in social theory from Cambridge University in 1990, and a Ph.D. in Sociology from UCLA in 2001. He is an affiliate faculty at the Department of Sociology at the University of Washington and the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland. Smith is also a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the Media-X Program at Stanford University.

  • Desney is a senior researcher in the visualization and interaction area at Microsoft Research, where he manages the Computational User Experiences group in Redmond, Washington, as well as the Human-Computer Interaction group in Beijing, China. He also holds an affiliate faculty appointment in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington. Desney’s research interests include human-computer interaction, physiological computing, and healthcare. However, over the years, he has worked on projects in many other domains. Desney received his Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from the University of Notre Dame in 1996, after which he spent a couple of years building bridges and blowing things up in the Singapore Armed Forces. He later attended Carnegie Mellon University, where he worked with Randy Pausch and earned his PhD in Computer Science in 2004. Desney was honored as one of MIT Technology Review’s 2007 Young Innovators Under 35 for his work on brain-computer interfaces. He was also named one of SciFi Channel’s Young Visionaries at TED 2009, as well as Forbes’ Revolutionaries: Radical Thinkers and their World-Changing Ideas for his work on Whole Body Computing. As if serving as Technical Program Chair for CHI 2008 wasn’t enough, he is now serving as General Chair for CHI 2011 in Vancouver, British Columbia.

  • Stewart Tansley is a senior research program manager responsible for devices in Natural User Interactions in External Research at Microsoft Research. Before joining Microsoft in 2001, he spent 13 years in the telecommunications industry in software research and development, focusing on technology transfer. He has a PhD in Artificial Intelligence applied to Engineering from Loughborough University, UK. He has published a variety of papers on robotics, artificial intelligence and network management, several patents, and has co-authored a book on software engineering for AI applications. In 2009 he co-edited The Fourth Paradigm, a book collating visionary essays on the emerging field of data-intensive science.

  • Chuck Thacker was fortunate to enter computing at a time when the fundamental electronic technologies had matured to the point that many of the predictions of the field’s pioneers could finally be achieved. Educated in Physics at the University of California at Berkeley, he joined the university’s project Genie in 1968. This project had constructed one of the most successful early timesharing computers, the SDS 940, and was planning a follow-on system when he joined the project.

    The project became the Berkeley Computer Corporation, which developed the BCC 500 timesharing system. Here, he led the group designing the system’s central memory and microprocessor. Although not a commercial success, BCC supplied the core group of technologists for the newly-formed Computer Science Laboratory at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), which he joined in 1970.

    During his 13 years at PARC, Chuck led the hardware development of most of the innovative systems that were developed at CSL. He was the project leader of the MAXC timesharing system, a PDP-10-equivalent that was one of the first systems to make use of semiconductor memory. He was the chief designer of the Alto, the first personal computer to use a bit-mapped display and mouse to provide a windowed user interface. He is a co-inventor of the Ethernet local area network, and contributed to many other projects, including the first laser printer and the Dorado, a high-performance ECL-technology personal workstation. He also designed and implemented the SIL CAD system, which was used by most PARC hardware designers throughout the ’70s. In the early ’80s, he was architect of the Dragon, a multiprocessor system that employed the first “snooping” cache.

    In 1983, Chuck was a founder of the Digital Equipment Corporation’s Systems Research Center. Here he led the hardware development of the Firefly, the first multiprocessor workstation, and the Alpha Demonstration Unit, the first Alpha-architecture multiprocessor.

    Chuck has also worked extensively in computer networking. He led the development of AN1, a local area network that used active switches and 100 Megabit-per-second point-to-point links to provide high aggregate performance. The follow-on project, AN2, also developed by his team, became the DEC Gigaswitch/ATM product.

    He joined Microsoft in 1997 to help establish the company’s Cambridge, England, laboratory. After returning to the United States in 1999, he joined the newly-formed Tablet PC group and managed the design of the first prototypes of this new device. He then worked on a project to make computing more pervasive and effective in K-12 education. He is currently setting up a group at Microsoft Research in Silicon Valley to do computer architecture research.

    Chuck has published extensively, and holds a number of U.S. patents in computer systems and networking. In 1984, he was awarded (with B. Lampson and R. Taylor) the ACM’s Software Systems Award for the development of the Alto. He is a Distinguished Alumnus of the Computer Science Department of the University of California, and holds an Honorary Doctorate from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH). He is a member of the IEEE, a fellow of the ACM, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a member of the National Academy of Engineering, which awarded him (with Butler Lampson, Alan Kay, and Robert Taylor) the 2004 Charles Stark Draper prize for the developed of the first networked personal computers. In 2007, he was awarded the John Von Neumann medal by the IEEE.

  • Having joined Microsoft Game Studios (MGS) two years ago, Kudo is the creative director on Project Natal and general manager of three internal studios. As creative director on Project Natal, he is responsible for the creative direction and cohesion of all elements of the Natal program. As general manager, he is working on nine different AAA titles developed both internally and externally.

    Prior to working at MGS, Kudo was the general manager and executive producer of EA Chicago. He was responsible for establishing EA Chicago as a leading next-gen video game studio. In this role, he set the creative tone and production methodologies for all EA Chicago games including the hit franchise “EA Sports Fight Night.” In the last five years, the games Kudo worked on have won 14 game-of-the-year awards including the coveted Spike TV Video Game Award, “Golden Monkey.”

    During his 13 years in the video game industry, Kudo has designed such genre defining features as “Fight Night’s” Total Punch Control system and the Army Men Air Attack Winch Mechanic. His games have grossed more than $1 billion dollars worldwide including several #1 selling products.

    Kudo majored in philosophy at George Washington University in Washington, DC, where he was Harrison Hall champion in “Tecmo Bowl,” “Double Dribble,” and “Racquet Attack.” He is a former lion tamer and also an avid collector of butterflies.

  • Andries van Dam (Andy) has been on Brown’s faculty since 1965, and was one of the Computer Science Department’s co-founders and its first Chairman, from 1979 to 1985. He was a Principal Investigator and was the Director from 1996 to 1998 in the NSF Science and Technology Center for Graphics and Visualization, a research consortium including Brown, Caltech, Cornell, North Carolina (Chapel Hill), and the University of Utah. He served as Brown’s first Vice President for Research from 2002 to 2006.

    Professor van Dam received his B.S. degree with Honors in Engineering Sciences from Swarthmore College in 1960 and his M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1963 and 1966, respectively.

  • Catharine van Ingen is a partner software architect in the Microsoft Research eScience Group. Her research is focused on lowering the data entry barrier in the environmental sciences. One of her current projects is MODISAzure—a cloud service for computing water balance and carbon fixing across the continental United States by synthesizing TBs of satellite imagery, GBs of ground based sensor data, and KBs of direct field measurements. Catharine has a wealth of experience in hardware, including work with the Alpha machine and MIPS processor teams, industrial-strength software for algorithms used to manage water flows, logging data from particle accelerator detectors, and early Internet commerce software for purchasing Mickey Mouse watches. She holds a PhD in Civil Engineering from CalTech.

  • Surya Vanka is principal manager of user experience at Microsoft Corporation, and oversees best practices and engineering standards to create high-quality user experiences for Microsoft customers. He has worked as a designer and manager on several products during his 10 years at Microsoft. His mission is to put the users rather than technology at the center of the development process for all of Microsoft products. Prior to joining Microsoft, Surya was associate professor of design at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Fellow at the prestigious Center for Advanced Study. He is the author of two books on design, has lectured on design in more than 20 countries, and is published widely. His work has appeared in numerous venues including Form, ID, Design Council, WIRED, Interactions, BBC, National Public Radio, and Channel 15 Television. He regularly speaks on interaction design, user experience, product development and strategic innovation; he also teaches courses and seminars on these subjects around the world.

  • Professor Ricardo Vencio, physicist, coordinates the LabPIB laboratory in Brazil where they conduct research on subjects such as cancer, malaria, bio-rubber, and bio-fuels. After earning his PhD in Bioinformatics at USP, he spent two years in Seattle as a post-doc at the Institute for Systems Biology and returned to Brazil as Tenured Assistant Professor at University of São Paulo’s Medical School at Ribeirao Preto (FMRP-USP). His experience in Bioinformatics and Computational Systems Biology is documented by his publication records involving subjects ranging from gene expression (microarrays and sequencing) to Bayesian methods in Bioformatics. Last, but not least, he devotes his time to teaching and training students in Biomedical Informatics at FMRP.

  • Evelyne Viegas is responsible for the Data Intelligence initiative at Microsoft Research in Redmond, Washington. Data Intelligence is about interacting with data in rich, safe, and semantically meaningful ways, going beyond search to create the path from data to information and knowledge. At the center of this initiative is data seen as an enabler of innovation. Evelyne has been running programs which emphasized the value of data-driven research by providing safe access to assets to the academic research community which also allows repeatability of experimentation.

    Prior to her present role, Evelyne has been working as a technical lead at Microsoft, delivering Natural Language Processing components to projects for MSN, Office, and Windows. Before Microsoft, and after completing her Doctorate in France, she worked as a Principal Investigator at the Computing Research Laboratory in New Mexico on an ontology-based Machine Translation project.

  • Celso von Randow is a researcher of the Center for Earth System Science, in the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research. Since 1999, he has been developing research on Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions in tropical biomes, focusing on the measurement of surface fluxes of carbon and water vapor by using the micrometeorological technique of eddy covariance. He obtained his PhD in Environmental Sciences at Wageningen University and Research Centre, the Netherlands, in 2007, with the thesis entitled “On turbulent exchange processes over Amazonian forest.”

    Currently, he is collaborating with researchers from Microsoft Research, Johns Hopkins University, and University of São Paulo on a project to test the use of prototypes of environmental sensors (geosensors) in the Atlantic coastal and in the Amazonian rain forests in Brazil, forming sensor networks with high spatial and temporal resolution, and to develop software tools for data quality control and integration.

  • Dr. Telle Whitney has served as President and CEO of Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology since 2002. Whitney has 20 years of experience in the semiconductor and telecommunications industries. She has held senior technical management positions with Malleable Technologies (now PMC-Sierra) and Actel Corporation, and is a co-founder of the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Conference.

    Dr. Whitney served as the ACM Secretary/Treasurer in 2003–2004, and is currently co-chair of the ACM Distinguished Member committee. She was a member of the National Science Foundation CEOSE and CISE advisory committees, and is a co-founder of the National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT). She serves on the advisory boards of Caltech’s Information Science and Technology (IST), California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (CalIT2), and Illuminate Ventures.

    Telle has received numerous awards including the ACM Distinguished Service Award, the Marie Pistilli Women in EDA Achievement Award, the Women’s Venture Fund Highest Leaf Award, and the San Jose Business Journal Top100 Women of Influence.

    Dr. Whitney received her PhD from Caltech, and her bachelor’s degree at the University of Utah—both in Computer Science.

    Telle is a runner, and lives in the Santa Cruz mountains. She makes jewelry in her not so spare time.

  • Daniel Wigdor is a user experience architect at Microsoft, and an affiliate assistant professor in both the Department of Computer Science & Engineering and the Information School at the University of Washington. His research interests are in human computer interaction, interactive computer graphics, and emerging post-WIMP user interfaces. He received a PhD in computer science at the DGP Lab of the University of Toronto with Prof. Ravin Balakrishnan, while working with Dr. Chia Shen at Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs.

    Daniel is a recipient of the Wolfond Fellowship, and of an ACM Best Paper award. Before joining Microsoft, Daniel was a fellow at the Initiative in Innovative Computing at Harvard University, and co-founder of Iota Wireless, a startup dedicated to commercializing his research in mobile-phone text entry.

  • As Vice President of Science, John Wilbanks runs the Science Commons project at Creative Commons. He came to Creative Commons from a fellowship at the World Wide Web Consortium in Semantic Web for Life Sciences. Previously, he founded and led to acquisition Incellico, a bioinformatics company that built semantic graph networks for use in pharmaceutical research and development. Previously, John was the first assistant director at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School and also worked in U.S. politics as a legislative aide to U.S. Representative Fortney (Pete) Stark. John holds a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Tulane University and studied modern letters at the Universite de Paris IV (La Sorbonne). He serves on the board of directors for DuraSpace and AcaWiki.

  • Andy Wilson is a senior researcher at Microsoft Research. His work is focused on applying sensing techniques to enable new styles of human-computer interaction. Today, that means multi-touch and gesture-based interfaces, display technologies, and so-called “natural” interfaces. In 2002, he helped found the Surface Computing group at Microsoft. Before joining Microsoft, Andy obtained a BA at Cornell University, and an MS and PhD at the MIT Media Laboratory.

  • Curtis Wong is manager of the Microsoft Next Media Research Group, whose focus “spans the linear and interactive media spectrum from television, broadband, and gaming to emerging media forms.” The author of more than 20 patents pending in such areas as interactive television, media browsing, visualization, design, and mobile computing, Wong was previously Director of Intel Productions. At Intel, he was responsible for creating next generation content such as the Virtual Van Gogh Museum Tour; ArtMuseum.net, one of the first Web-based, broadband art exhibition networks (which featured the National Gallery of Art’s Van Gogh’s Van Gogh’s); and the Whitney’s American Century Exhibition. ArtMuseum.net is currently featuring the “Multimedia: From Wagner to Virtual Reality” project. (Other Intel content group projects include Wong’s production of The Poetry of Structure, which accompanied Ken Burns’s film Frank Lloyd Wright and was the first enhanced digital television program to be broadcast in the U.S.) Wong was also the General Manager and Executive Producer of Corbis Productions (a division of Corbis Corporation), the digital image company started by Bill Gates, where he created a series of award winning CD-ROM’s on subjects such as A Passion for Art, FDR, Critical Mass (about the making of the Atomic Bomb), and Leonardo Da Vinci. Prior to Corbis he was an interactive-documentary producer for the Criterion Collection, producing some of the first feature films on laserdiscs and multimedia CD-ROMs for the Voyager Company. Wong’s work in interactive media has won many design and industry awards, including New York Film Festival Gold Medals, the ID Magazine Annual Design Award of Excellence, and Communication Arts Interactive award of Excellence. His collaboration with WGBH Interactive on the broadband-enhanced documentary Commanding Heights—The Battle for the World Economy, won a 2002 Academy Award from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts and was nominated for the first Interactive TV Emmy. He is currently working with WGBH Frontline on an enhanced broadband documentary for television/web scheduled to air in Summer 2006.

    Curtis serves on the board of trustees for the Rhode Island School of Design and the Seattle Art Museum.

  • Fred Wurden is a partner product unit manager in the Server & Cloud Division leading the Interoperability Engineering Team. His responsibilities include EU/US regulatory compliance, interoperability principles, open source engineering, and Windows protocol development practices. He received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering in 1989 and a MBA in 2002 from the University of Washington. Prior to Microsoft, Fred was the director of technology at Applied Technical Systems, where he developed innovative search and database technology. He joined Microsoft in 1997 and has contributed to development projects in MSN, Entertainment and Devices, and Windows divisions. He holds patents in database and systems diagnostics.

  • Brian Zill is a senior research software design engineer in the Networking Research Group at Microsoft Research Redmond. Since joining Microsoft in 1994, he has worked on a variety of projects, including Microsoft Interactive Television, IPv6, Mesh, DAIR, HAWAII, and many other research projects. He originated Microsoft’s IPv6 effort, and co-wrote the IPv6 protocol stack that was included in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. While working on Mesh routing, he helped invent LQSR and prepared the Mesh Connectivity Layer (MCL) codebase for Microsoft Research’s Mesh Academic Resource Kit. He is also the author of the popular “TCP Analyzer Expert” add-on for the Microsoft Network Monitor tool. He is the co-author of more than 15 academic research papers and two standards-track IETF RFCs. He is an inventor on six issued U.S. Patents and more than a dozen more pending patent applications. Before joining Microsoft, he was a research developer at Carnegie Mellon University, where he worked on the Nectar gigabit networking project.

  • Ben Zorn is a principal researcher in the Research in Software Engineering (RiSE) group in Microsoft Research. After receiving a PhD in Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley in 1989, he served eight years on the computer science faculty at the University of Colorado in Boulder, receiving tenure and being promoted to associate professor in 1996. Ben left the University of Colorado in 1998 to become a senior researcher at Microsoft Research, where he currently works. His research interests include programming language design and implementation and performance measurement and analysis. Ben has served as an associate editor of the ACM journals Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems and Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization. He is currently a member-at-large of the SIGPLAN Executive Committee and he recently served as general chair for the SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2010).