May 16, 2023

The Workshop on AI's impact on Society and Advancements in Technology

Location: Virtual

The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence (AI) has far-reaching consequences for society, with the potential to reshape our understanding of social equality, class mobility, and human technological progress. Microsoft Research Asia is delighted to host a closed-door workshop that brings together distinguished scholars from AI and sociology to examine these critical issues.

This interdisciplinary forum fosters engaging discussions on AI’s impact on social structures, class dynamics, and its broader implications for human societies. Through insightful presentations, panel discussions, and interactive sessions, experts can exchange ideas, recognize emerging trends, and reveal new research opportunities and challenges at the AI-sociology nexus.

By nurturing a collaborative and multidisciplinary environment, this workshop aims to establish a robust network of scholars committed to investigating the complex interplay between AI and societal dynamics. Together, we will address pressing concerns in the AI era and contribute to the development of a more inclusive, equitable, and socially-aware future.

Organizing Committee

Xing Xie (Chair), Fangzhao Wu (Chair), Junming Huang (Chair), Beibei Shi (Co-Chair), Weizhe Shi