Portrait of Randy Pagulayan

Randy Pagulayan

Director of Xbox Research


Randy is the Director of User Research for Xbox and leads a team ensuring consumer voices are inherent in decision-making across gaming at Microsoft. From content, platforms, services, and engagement, Randy’s team is at the center of consumer empathy and understanding. As a pioneer in this space, Randy has led user research efforts on numerous high-profile franchises, including Age of Empires and Halo. Throughout his career, he has co-authored several book chapters on user research methods in gaming, given numerous talks and keynotes internationally, and has been featured in Wired magazine, National Public Radio, and Official Xbox Magazine (OXM). Before joining Microsoft, Randy was part of the Human Factors Group at Motorola, and has been published in several scientific journals, including Journal of Experimental Psychology, Brain Research Bulletin, and Human Movement Science. Randy has a BA in Psychology from the University of Maryland, and a PhD in Experimental Psychology from the University of Cincinnati.