The Search Futures Workshop

  • Leif Azzopardi ,
  • Charles L. A. Clarke ,
  • Paul B. Kantor ,
  • ,
  • Johanne R. Trippas ,
  • Zhaochun Ren

European Conference on Information Retrieval |

Published by Springer | Organized by ACM


The field and community of Information Retrieval (IR) are changing and evolving in response to the latest developments and advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and research culture. As the field and community re-oriented and re-consider its positioning within computing and information sciences more generally – it is timely to gather and discuss more seriously our field’s vision for the future – the challenges and threats that the community and field faces – along with the bold new research questions and problems that are arising and emerging as we re-imagine search. This workshop aims to provide a forum for the IR community to voice and discuss their concerns and pitch proposals for building and strengthening the field and community.