Microsoft Research Blog

Innovating for the future: second annual International Women’s Hackathon

December 18, 2013
In a blog last week, I alluded to an important upcoming announcement. Well, here it is: I am pleased to announce that our second annual International Women’s Hackathon will take place on university campuses around the globe from April 24 to 27, 2014. Last year’s…
  1. Two from Microsoft Research Named 2014 IEEE Fellows 

    December 17, 2013

    Tweet Posted by Rob Knies   Even in this awesome, hyperbolic age, the words “extraordinary achievement” don’t get tossed around all that much. And when they come from the IEEE, the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology, they retain the distinction of…

  2. Microsoft Research Asia funds cloud computing for urban studies 

    December 17, 2013

    The world is becoming more urban. The movement of populations from rural to city life is nothing new in the developed countries of Europe and North America, but it has greatly accelerated in the rapidly developing countries of Asia. In China, for example, the percentage…

  3. Data-Powered Predictions for 2014, from the Super Bowl to Hillary Clinton 

    December 17, 2013

    Tweet Posted by Steve Wiens   Microsoft researcher David Rothschild is legendary for his ability to predict the future using a unique, rigorous approach to data analysis. He correctly called the results of the 2012 U.S. presidential election in every state but one. He nailed 19 of…

  4. Cancer research benefits from NodeXL network graph analysis 

    December 16, 2013

    A diagnosis of cancer can be particularly foreboding for any patient. However, new treatments become possible as we learn more about the disease, and the application of research techniques more commonly found in the social sciences are now providing new insights.Although medical investigators have been…

  5. Cloud computing for environmental science webinar airs December 17 

    December 13, 2013

    Preserving biodiversity, understanding animals’ social interactions, and predicting droughts: these are all key research areas for ecologists and environmental scientists. And like so many areas of research these days, they are all data intensive and thus potential beneficiaries of cloud computing. With that in mind,…

  6. Resources abound for researchers wanting to use cloud computing 

    December 12, 2013

    Cloud computing offers tremendous advantages in terms of scale and compute power—not to mention costs—to those grappling with today’s data-intensive research. The Windows Azure for Research program is designed to help scientists reap these cloud-computing benefits in their research work. As part of the program,…

  7. Socl Creativity Goes Mobile 

    December 11, 2013

    Tweet Posted by Rob Knies Socl lets you create, collect and share stuff you love. From rich visual collages to short animated media and memes, express yourself through posts that take seconds to create, collect, and share on Socl, as well as on Facebook, Pinterest,…

  8. Computer Science Education Week: “touching” on the Hour of Code 

    December 10, 2013

    It’s time to revise the traditional “three Rs” of education in the United States. In addition to “reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic,” we need to add computer science. Yeah, I know it doesn’t even contain an “r,” but computer science is just as important as those…

  9. Microsoft Research offers tools and more at AGU 2013 Fall Meeting 

    December 9, 2013

    Every December I get together with 20,000 like-minded researchers in San Francisco to discuss how to preserve the habitat of Homo sapiens. I concede it’s a self-serving goal, but I’m okay with standing to benefit. Our conversation invariably burrows into subtopics of how the Earth…

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