Microsoft Research Blog

Audio Advances Help Xbox One Determine Signal from Noise

October 16, 2013
Tweet Posted by Rob Knies You might remember Ivan Tashev as the researcher behind the audio technology that helped to make Kinect for Xbox 360 such a marketplace sensation a couple of years ago. Now, with Xbox One headed for a Nov. 22 debut, Tashev,…
  1. Audio Advances Help Xbox One Determine Signal from Noise 

    October 16, 2013

    Tweet Posted by Rob Knies You might remember Ivan Tashev as the researcher behind the audio technology that helped to make Kinect for Xbox 360 such a marketplace sensation a couple of years ago. Now, with Xbox One headed for a Nov. 22 debut, Tashev,…

  2. Windows Azure for Research at UNICAMP 

    October 15, 2013

    In today’s world of data-intensive scientific research, cloud computing offers immense value. Here in Brazil, for example, researchers are working on a variety of environmental and urban studies projects that demand a highly scalable and flexible resource infrastructure—exactly what cloud computing on Windows Azure offers.…

  3. Microsoft Researchers Take Center Stage During EmTech 2013 

    October 9, 2013

    Tweet Posted by Rob Knies EmTech 2013, billed as The Conference on the Emerging Technologies That Matter, will be held in Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 9-11 at the MIT Media Lab. The annual event, in its seventh year, represents a convergence of technology, business, and culture,…

  4. Baym Tunes In to Social-Media Metrics 

    October 9, 2013

    Tweet Posted by Rob Knies How many Likes have you received on Facebook lately? I’ll bet you have a pretty good idea (and that your overall assessment will be “not enough”).How many followers do you have on Twitter? You probably have a pretty good grasp…

  5. Hopeful for the Future of Women in Computing 

    October 8, 2013

    Sitting on a plane heading back to the Pacific Northwest, I’m reflecting on the week I just spent in Minneapolis—a week of inspiration and impact at the Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) of Women in Computing. I’m thinking about the pertinence of this year’s GHC theme,…

  6. New England Lab Celebrates 5 Years of Interdisciplinary Success 

    October 8, 2013

    Tweet Posted by Rob Knies When Microsoft Research New England was founded in 2008, the lab’s leadership explained that one of its key goals was to bring together computer scientists and social scientists to pursue new, interdisciplinary areas of research for understanding and enabling the…

  7. Thinking big about women in computing 

    October 3, 2013

    I can’t imagine a more perfect theme for the 2013 Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) of Women in Computing than “Think Big, Drive Forward.” It’s a message that speaks to me personally, as a new employee of Microsoft who has been thinking big things about my…

  8. Young Interns Spend Summer Translating Songs 

    October 2, 2013

    Tweet Posted by Rob Knies   So, how was your summer?For three Microsoft Research interns, that question has them singing a happy tune.The three—Michelle Agcamaran, Priya Ganesan, and Kat Zhou—spent the summer at Microsoft Research Redmond, working with mentor Alex Cheng. In doing so, they…

  9. Collaboration, Expertise Produce Enhanced Sensing in Xbox One 

    October 2, 2013

    Cyrus Bamji had encountered a challenge. Luckily for him, Microsoft Research had just the solution. Bamji, Microsoft partner hardware architect for Microsoft’s Silicon Valley-based Architecture and Silicon Management group, and members of his team were trying to incorporate a time-of-flight camera into Xbox One, the…

  10. Hopping to Minneapolis to celebrate women in computing 

    October 2, 2013

    Going to a major conference is always fun. It’s an opportunity to see old friends and make new ones, to network with experts, and to be exposed to fresh ideas and trends. All those benefits hold true for the Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) for Women…

  11. Time to swim upstream 

    October 1, 2013

    I’m a middle-aged, white male who works in the tech industry; lucky for me, I get to “swim with the current.” I work in a culture that has been optimized for me. Many others in the field of computing aren’t so fortunate; they find themselves…

  12. Bahl Awarded SIGMOBILE’s Top Honor 

    October 1, 2013

    Tweet Posted by Rob Knies   Victor Bahl, research manager of the Mobility and Networking Research Group at Microsoft Research Redmond, recalls a time, nearly 20 years distant, when the idea of a professional organization for those interested in mobile technology was merely a glimmer…

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