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4 min read

Empower the banking employee experience with generative AI 

Helping banks improve productivity through better teamwork, insights, and communications is a key focus area for Microsoft, and something Azure OpenAI Service and our rapidly evolving copilot offerings are well positioned to enable.

6 min read

Accelerate decarbonization in the chemical, pharmaceutical, and semiconductor industries 

The manufacturing industry is under a lot of pressure to advance sustainability commitments, with enormous challenges given modern lengthy, complex, and geographically diverse production operations and supply chains. Let’s take a look at one of the key sustainability strategies: decarbonization, and what it means for the manufacturing industry.

5 min read

5 reasons to move to hyperscale cloud now 

As we delve deeper into technological advancements, the Microsoft Defense and Intelligence team understands that AI stands at the forefront, driving innovation and transformation across various sectors.

5 min read

Microsoft solutions are transforming the mining industry with data and AI 

To accelerate transformation and achieve rapid benefits from new advances in technology, miners can adopt solutions like the Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform. With a single, flexible platform for databases, analytics, AI, and data governance, mining organizations can quickly improve agility and maximize the value of their data while minimizing cost and complexity.

5 min read

How the Microsoft Cloud and AI are transforming court operations 

At Microsoft for Government, our commitment is to help courts earn trust within their communities through solutions and outcomes that increase fairness, accountability, and transparency for all. We work with courts and other government agencies to transform court operations with technology that empowers everyone in the justice system.

4 min read

How Microsoft and Nuance empower radiologists with AI-powered solutions 

There’s an urgent need to deliver proven, scalable solutions that increase radiology efficiencies, reduce the cognitive burden on radiologists while maintaining the highest standards of reporting quality. That’s why Microsoft and Nuance are committed to creating outcomes-focused AI solutions that streamline radiology workflows.