Microsoft Research Blog

Microsoft Research offers tools and more at AGU 2013 Fall Meeting

December 9, 2013
Every December I get together with 20,000 like-minded researchers in San Francisco to discuss how to preserve the habitat of Homo sapiens. I concede it’s a self-serving goal, but I’m okay with standing to benefit. Our conversation invariably burrows into subtopics of how the Earth…
  1. Microsoft Research offers tools and more at AGU 2013 Fall Meeting 

    December 9, 2013

    Every December I get together with 20,000 like-minded researchers in San Francisco to discuss how to preserve the habitat of Homo sapiens. I concede it’s a self-serving goal, but I’m okay with standing to benefit. Our conversation invariably burrows into subtopics of how the Earth…

  2. What Can Happen in an Hour of Code? 

    December 9, 2013

    How do you spark excitement about computer programming among preteen girls? “Make me a Hunger Games arena.” That’s the challenge Kate Miller presented to a group of middle schoolers during last summer’s Penn Girls in Engineering, Math & Science Camp (GEMS) at the University of…

  3. Avoiding Vulnerable Passwords—and Rules, Too 

    December 5, 2013

    You could think of it as a brainteaser: Create a sequence of eight or more characters that includes at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, a digit, and a symbol, that doesn’t contain any words in English, and that is memorable enough that you…

  4. Getting social down under, NUI style 

    December 4, 2013

    I feel especially fortunate to be here in Melbourne, Australia, to participate in the launch of the Microsoft Research Centre for Social Natural User Interfaces. This is a joint research center between the University of Melbourne and Microsoft Research, in partnership with the state government…

  5. Scale out your research with virtual machines: Windows Azure webinar 

    December 3, 2013

    Researchers often ask us, “What’s the easiest way to get started with cloud computing?” Cloud computing can seem daunting, but Windows Azure makes it easier than ever to analyze and manage large datasets in the cloud. Want to know more? Then please join us tomorrow…

  6. ChronoZoom offers new tools for history teachers 

    December 2, 2013

    Make your mark in history with ChronoZoom Last week, from November 22 to 24, I was in St. Louis, Missouri, at the annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), helping to promote the terrific work of our international partners in creating…

  7. Borgs’ Stellar Work Reaps Its Due Reward 

    November 25, 2013

    Tweet Posted by Rob Knies   Phase transitions. Statistical physics. Probability theory.To many of us, such concepts are simply beyond our grasp, accessible, if at all, only as something relating, in some vague, hazy fashion, to issues mathematical or topics scientific. Such fields, if they…

  8. A new tool for teaching climate change in the cloud 

    November 20, 2013 Starting in the tenth century, during the Medieval Warm Period, Greenland was a fraction of a degree warmer than today. Norse settlers raised livestock and cultivated small farms. Later, in the fifteenth century, a colder climate and conflicts with the Inuit caused them to…

  9. Grudin’s Work Cited for ‘Lasting Impact’ 

    November 19, 2013

    Tweet Posted by Rob Knies   The annual Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) conference focuses on technologies that affect groups, organizations, communities, and networks. When the folks behind the conference decided it was time to begin to honor influential papers in the field, it made…

  10. Advance Your Presentation with Your Phone 

    November 18, 2013

    Posted by Rob Knies Making a business presentation can be daunting. Interaction with the audience might require you to change the flow of your presentation by jumping to a different section in your PowerPoint presentation. Or you might want to show supporting evidence in an…

  11. Interactive genomics: querying genomes across the cloud 

    November 18, 2013

    Big data: you can hardly pick up a newspaper without reading about some new scientific or business acumen derived from mining some heretofore-untouched volumes of digital information. Well, I’m happy to say that genome sequence data—which certainly qualifies as big, both in volume and velocity—is…

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