Microsoft Research Blog

AI4Science to empower the fifth paradigm of scientific discovery

July 7, 2022 | Christopher Bishop
Editor’s note, Oct. 20, 2023 – The post was updated to remove information related to the Amsterdam lab, as those details have since changed. Over the coming decade, deep learning looks set to have a transformational impact on the natural sciences. The consequences are potentially…
  1. Diagram showing GODEL’s architecture. The environment of the dialog system consists of both structured and unstructured content, which it uses to retrieve information. This source content, which we term “grounding,” is updated and repeatedly used by GODEL to produce a new response after each user input.

    GODEL: Combining goal-oriented dialog with real-world conversations 

    June 23, 2022

    They make restaurant recommendations, help us pay bills, and remind us of appointments. Many people have come to rely on virtual assistants and chatbots to perform a wide range of routine tasks. But what if a single dialog agent, the technology behind these language-based apps,…

  2. An icon of people labeled with the pro “know the task” and the con “slow” followed by a plus sign and an icon representing AI labeled with the pro “fast” and the con “unaware of task” followed by an equal sign and an icon of shaking hands. An outer arrow labeled “The AI generates tests to highlight bugs” points up and around from the AI icon to the people icon. An arrow labeled “The person validates which bugs are real” points down and around from the people icon to the AI icon, representing an iterative feedback loop.

    Partnering people with large language models to find and fix bugs in NLP systems 

    May 23, 2022 | Scott Lundberg and Marco Tulio Ribeiro

    Advances in platform models—large-scale models that can serve as foundations across applications—have significantly improved the ability of computers to process natural language. But natural language processing (NLP) models are still far from perfect, sometimes failing in embarrassing ways, like translating “Eu não recomendo este prato”…

  3. This diagram shows a payload exchange between a server, inside Worker 0, and clients that live inside Workers 2 and 3. First, the server pushes the central ML model plus the clients’ data to Workers 2 and 3. Then, each client trains the model with their local data. Finally, the clients send the pseudo-gradients of this new model back to the server for aggregation and the creation of a new global model.

    FLUTE: A scalable federated learning simulation platform 

    May 16, 2022

    Federated learning has become a major area of machine learning (ML) research in recent years due to its versatility in training complex models over massive amounts of data without the need to share that data with a centralized entity. However, despite this flexibility and the…

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